
My fiancee' is a citizen of canada. we plan to marry before a judge in a couple of months.

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How will this help her work visa and immigration status? what steps do we take once the marriage takes place?




  1. Do you live in the US?

  2. I suggest you go to an immigration lawyer before you get married.

    A friend of mine (we're Canadian) got engaged to an American soildier and she was actually barred from entering the States for a period of time until official paperwork was taken care of. She couldn't visit her boyfriend for months at a time!

    Make sure all your paperwork is taken care (or started) beofore you get married or she just might be deported.

  3. You must obtain a Greencard (if you're not American).

    Then, you have to become a Citizen (if you're not one already).

    Once you've done that, you can then go through the costly process of getting the Greencard for your wife.

    She does not need to become a Citizen if she has a Greencard, so that is all you need to worry about.

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