
My fiancee doesnt like any baby names??? please help?

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he likes Issac and thats it really (i really dont like it though, it reminds me of the Amish, which isnt horrible but its a bit country for my taste)

all the names i give him he doesnt like? what do i do? how do we pick names that we both love? i must have mentioned about 150names and he doesnt like any??? did anyone else have this problem with their partners?

i like:





what do you think?




  1. Christopher











  2. I like them all, but maybe its too mainstream for him? Pick something out of the ordinary, but one the kid won't be picked on and will like. Caleb, Blake, Aiden, look up baby boy names on Google and go to the cradle. Sure to find something there. Good luck, hope I helped.

  3. i dont mind any except Kael.

    how about Jacob, Jared, Jarrett (sorry about the "j's lol ) Jackson, Roman, Luke, Sebastian, Elijah, Christopher, Brian, Adam, Ayden, Matthew


    ok this is a website that has boy names from a-z

  5. I Love the name Ethan

  6. My husband was the same way with girl names.  It was tough but I just kept at it.  One day I finally found one name he liked.  Of course his mind was set and there was no changing it but at least we agreed on it.  

    Here are a few to play around with..........










  7. My husband is the I told him to start coming up with names and I would tell him if I liked them or not...we eventually agreed on one...after he accidentally said one of the names that I had suggested a few days earlier! :)

    Don't worry you'll find one and you'll both fall in love with it!

    By the way...I love the name Ethan!

  8. I like Ethan.

  9. well you could try some other names.

    so he like issac, do you like isaiah, i-zay-uh

    i really like ethan, it means strong

    joshua, not so much

    michael not so much

    kael is pretty cute

    my favorite is ethan then i also really like kael.

    Kaci is another one, if you go to you can just type in like the first two letters you want in a name and see what it gives you, try that.

  10. Maybe, you coudl use Isaac as the middle name. I know that you don't like it, but I bet that it would make him happy.

    Joshua Isaac, and Michael Isaac sounds really nice together.

  11. have him give you 10 names and you write 10 names....



    btw, my dogs name is Kael, its Gaelic!

  12. I love all them except Kael.

    Have you asked your fiancé why he doesn't like them?

    Instead of suggesting names, perhaps you could ask him to suggest some? Or make a compromise that you choose one he is okay with even if it's not his favourite, and he gets to choose a middle name?

  13. Oh, yes. My husband insisted on naming our oldest daughter Kerrigan. Kerrigan??!!! Where did he come up with that?! I just flat out refused to name her that. I wouldn't even compromise! I really wanted to name her Gabriella, but he hated it! We ended up dropping those two names, and making lists of our top 10 names. Then, I picked my top 5 from his list, he chose his top 5 from mine, and we combined them to make a list of our 10 favorite names. It was like pulling teeth trying to get him to go with one of the names I chose, but we ended up picking one of mine!!! He liked names like Dorie and Jessie, and of course Kerrigan!! OK, so out of your list I like Michael and Joshua, not a huge fan of Ethan and Kael. I actually like the name Isaac! Well, good luck!!! If your husband is as stubborn as mine, you'll need it!!! haha

  14. Love Ethan, and these:

    Aidan ~ Irish ~ Little Fire

    Ambrose ~ Greek ~ Everlasting

    Angus ~ Scottish ~ One Strength

    Asher ~ Hebrew ~ Blessed; Happy

    Atticus ~ Latin ~ From Athens

    Ben ~ Hebrew ~ Son of my right hand/favorite son

    Clint ~ Old English ~ Town on a Hill

    Connor ~ Scottish ~ Knowledgeable

    Constantine ~ Latin ~ Firm

    Dougray ~ Scottish ~ Protector of the King

    Edmund ~ Old English ~ Blessed Protector

    Emmet ~ German ~ Industrious

    Ewan ~ Scottish ~ God is Gracious

    Felix ~ Latin ~ Happy and Prosperous

    Gavin ~ Welch ~ Little Hawk

    Gideon ~ Hebrew ~ Tree Cutter

    Henry ~ German ~ Master of the Home

    Ian ~ Scottish ~ God is Gracious

    Ignatius ~ Latin ~ Fiery One

    John ~ Hebrew ~ God is Gracious

    Jonas ~ Greek ~ Dove

    Jude ~ Latin ~ Praise

    Keefer ~ Irish ~ Noble; Gentle

    Keenan ~ English ~ Smart

    Kieran ~ Irish ~ Little Dark One

    Leo ~ Latin ~ A Lion

    Liam ~ Irish ~ Guardian

    Lincoln ~ English ~ By the Water

    Lorenzo ~ Italian ~ Laurel

    Luke ~ Hebrew~ Of Lucania

    Matthew ~ Hebrew ~ Gift of God

    Max ~ German ~ Great

    Milo ~ Old English ~ Soldier

    Oliver ~ Latin ~ Olive Tree

    Phineas ~ Hebrew ~ Serpent’s Mouth

    Pierce ~ English ~ Rock

    Quinn ~ Irish ~ The Fifth

    Roscoe ~ English ~ Heathland Of The Roe Deer

    Sampson ~ Hebrew ~ Of the Sun

    Seamus ~ Irish ~ Supplanter

    Sean ~ Irish ~ God is Gracious

    Sebastian ~ Greek ~ Revered

    Simon ~ Hebrew ~ Obedient

    Tavish ~ Scottish ~ A Twin

    Tobias ~ Hebrew ~ The Lord is Good

    Todd ~ Old English ~ Fox Hunter

    Yannick ~ Breton ~ God is Gracious

  15. i like Ethan the best if you can not agree then i would say leave it till the baby comes and see what the baby looks like do not give in to him you and him need to like the name my son is called Matthew it means GIFT OF GOD or GIFT OF THE LORD i think its a really nice name

    Here are some names i like











  16. i know exactly what you are going through. i had the same problem when i was having my son. he wanted all these names i hated and i wanted names he hated,so after bickering i finally came up with a solution. i said to him ok you pick a name you want and i pick a name that i like ,so he chose his own name witch was armando and i chose ryan.  we decided one would be the main and one would be the middle name even though i did not like armando we had to compromise with one another so it turned out his name was armando ryan witch today i call him by his middle name and so does everybody else but the dad of course calls him armando so it worked out for us hopefully it will work out for you that way sorry to overwhelm you with SO much info but good luck!!!

  17. I told my hus to come up with a list of 10 names he DID like, and I'd choose between them.

    If that doesn't work, you get to choose, as stipulated by law.

    TX Mom

  18. Oh my goodness i had this problem! My boyfriend is mexican and only wanted mexican names... he picked some pretty yukky ones lol. I on the other hand wanted more unique names. I told my family that we would have a name for him by the time of my baby shower (i was 8 months at that time) and on the morning of the shower we still couldnt agree, so we made a deal. I let him pick any middle name he wanted and i chose the first name... that way you both get a name u like and if he doesnt like the first name he can always call the baby by his middle name. My son is now 10 months old and my boyfriend has gotten used to his name and actually likes it now. We came up with Jaxon Ignacio... Personally i like Kael Issac... but yeah thats how we dealt with it. Good luck and congrats!

  19. i like ethan. i don't like kael.  

  20. they are all bad

  21. yeah and don't like those names i think kyle's a good name or michael good luck

    answer mine:

  22. What about Ian? Takes part of Issac and part of Ethan.

    I love Michael and Joshua personally, always have. Maybe you could use the name Michael Issac? And then if you have another child he can pick the first name and you can choose the middle (with the okay of each other first, of course).

    My sister really wanted to use Leo when her son was born (either first or middle, I don't know) but my brother-in-law doesn't like anything with Lee in it. He just doesn't like the sound of it for some reason. But when their daughter was born her middle name is LeAnn (a combination of my sisters middle name and my own). I think all couple disagree but you'll figure it out before he is born. Good luck and congratulations!!

  23. Kael Issac, that's very cool

    Use Issac as a middle name, and one of your favorite names as the first. My name is Heidi Elizabeth Rose, my mom wanted Heidi, and my dad wanted Elizabeth. Rose was thrown in there because they liked it.

  24. i love ethan. i dont know much ppl with that name unlike michael witch is like over used.

  25. You are the one going through the pain of child birth, name it what you want.

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