We have been in relationship for over 3 months now, things have been great since bigining, and we decided to move on and get married in 6 months. She lives in OC , me in LA. So we see each other only on the weekends. Recently i find out that she is comunicating by email with her ex fiancee, probably text messagint to, and despite all the bad things she "told me" about him, now she is getting ready to go out to a dinner with him??? Dinner could possibly turn to a motel event. I dont understand. Risking us for a night event with him, or maybe she want to go back to him? I am in dispair, I am going to loose my job and I dont get any sleep because of it. Is her past relationship so strong (because obviously dating 3 years, people get to know each others buttons) to trow away my love and go back to that looser? I trying to talk to her (not telling her what I discovered) but she denying any possible infidelity on her side, because she is very commited to our relationship. I am not sure about it, she ignores my communication and dont want to talk about it, "acussing me" that I dont trust her. I realy love her, and dont want to loose her, and I already notice taht I am doing the wrong things. Jelousy cloud is over me. Do you have advice for me.