
My fiancee is moving to the states with me and wants a bank job. Is it possible?

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My finacee has a B.A. from an American University and a Masters overseas, both in accounting. After getting her green card she wants to go work at a bank as she currently does back home. She has been told that individuals on green cards aren't allowed to work at banks. This sounds like hogwash to me. I can't imagine someone moving here, being any more likley to steal than anyone else. Has anyone else heard this? Might even seem like discrimation, unless I am missing something. Thanks, I appreciate the help!




  1. One would think that it was up to the bank discretion on whom they would hire.  

  2. The only thing that would prevent her from working in a bank is if she can't be bonded.  That's up to the bonding company, not the bank.

  3. It is perfectly possible. Once any national acquires US green card  that person has the right to apply for any job offered be it in the bank or otherwise. So there is no problem in your case.  

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