
My fiances ex just filed for disabilty and got denied. shes fighting it but i know for a fact shes can work?

by  |  earlier

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she just had back surgery but shes going to raves, fairs, amusement parks ect. and she lifts up her 40lb daughter with no problem so what should i do she only wants the money because shes to lazy to work and shes never had a job except for 3 months




  1. Butt out.

    Her claim was denied; let the authorities take care of it, which they seem to be doing without your intervention.

    In general, it's unwise to go around looking to cause other people problems.

  2. This is a mess ( you don't need me to tell you that ) because of the daughter.  You can always take or get pictures of the ex doing these activities and if it becomes a problem you'll have these pictures.  In the meanwhile, because of the daughter and your status as the fiance it is better if you just be the girls advocate and stay out of the moms business.  Let you fiance handle anything else.

  3. and this is your problem.... why?

  4. This is not your problem - and, really, not his either. What he'll pay will be what he pays and what he pays may ensure that you live in poverty unless you work for the family but it's a choice you're making. This does not get any better, kid, and this is absolutely none of your business and anything you do to make the realtionship between your finance and his child via the mother is cruel. This is not your issue - stay out of it.

  5. If this is your 'fiance' then I'm guessing you have some thinking to do. Do you really want to marry someone that is willing to lie in order to obtain free money?

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