
My fifteen yr old daughter ask me for something to eat at 10.30pm , she can walk talk, swears like a salior,?

by Guest65562  |  earlier

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because her dad wants to get her to curse me he encourages her to sit in front of her lap top, allows her toplay with the wii he bought her when he knows she has to go to school, then he blames me, I am not even sure what for anymore. he broke my toe on saturday after a shopping trip with her for her birthday, If I cook and clean and I also have two jobs as well, I am called lazy, when I clean the house they would mess it up as soon as I go off to do my assignments, then they would walk into the room where I am and abuse and insult me calling me a zero, the ****** that no man will ever want, he says all these things to me, yes he is white and I am british grenadian, mentally and physically he is abusing me, I am the lady who ask the question ,( who should I turn too, I have no family, its just me and my kids,) Today I spoke to a social worker, she just said she was sorry but she can't help, whats next.? My Death.




  1. Go to Relate asap

  2. Oh my god, i feel so sorry for you.

    Is there any way you can speak with the father on a one to one?  It sounds like he feels he has to score points against you which means he sees you as a threat.  I know you shouldn't have to but would it help if you threw himself at his mercy and explained exactly how you felt?  If he cares for his child at all then he must want you to get along?!?

    With regards to your child, they all go through a rebelious phase.  You are just unlucky enough for her to be egged on by her dad.  The time will come in the not too distant future when she will look back on what she has done and regret it - i know that this is not much of a consulation (spelling?) now but this is just a small blip on what will turn out to be a long and happy life/relationship.  Just dont do anything stupid (like your last sentence suggested).  

    In the mean time there is plenty of help out there for you, including the samaritans.  I know not everyone likes to speak to people like that but take it from me, sometimes it is good to talk it out with a complete stranger (which i guess you recognise since you asked this question on yahoo).  

    Good luck with it all and just remember that no matter how much her father has warped her thinking, she still loves you and one day (soon?) she will remember it.


  3. Get in touch with a women's shelter or something similar, you can find something like that on google or the yellow pages, they can give you advice..

  4. easy. don't put up with it.

    you deserve better.

    noone should be treated like that.


  6. Get your girlie balls on and get out of there. The "my death" ending was a little too much drama. If you aren't happy with the situation and it cannot be fixed, then end it and move on.

    Your life is in your hands either tolerate the behavior you desribe, or you find a situation more suitable. If you have no family to turn to, go to friends...if you have no friends then turn inward and find the strength. Your happiness is 100% up to you.

  7. I suggest divorce or counselling  

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