
My fin Tail Goldfish?

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Iv had a Fin Tail gold fish for about 6 weeks and she is getting a fat bump on her belly. she is really shakey and she has 6 other fish in her tank. 5 Are goldfish one is a pacosimosis (sucker fish). There was a bright light next to her tank today and she started today. Also there as been a not very loud aalarm but there was won next to her tank. Im not over feeding her and im really scared that she might be dyeing. Please ,Please, Please, Help me and she was outta the tank for a picture the night before but she started after that. Thankyou for you're help. Oh and she siwms up and down a lot and the rest of the time she is very still. Is she in shock?




  1. There are two things that could be wrong with it. Which one you think it is depends on the decriptions that match up with what your fish is showing.

    One it could be a tumor which you can identify by checking out the lump to see if its hard and  not symetrical. They just really get in the way of your fish and not much else. They sometimes can be removed but that's only if you can find a vet willing to do the procedure.

    The second and more likely of options is that it could be dropsy and your goldfish is retaining fluid. (Dropsy is actually VERY common among the carp family). The body but especially the abdomin will swell up. Another thing to check for would be protruding scales or the loss of the scales and they will also not want to eat anymore.

    What could have caused this is most likely overuse of salt (NaCl), very poor water conditions, or a poor diet. All these need to be corrected or things will just get worse.

    "Treatment of this disease is difficult, as by the time it is recognized, permanent damage to the internal organs of the fish will have occurred. Immediate treatment must be performed if there is to be any chance for survival. Metronidazole (Flagyl) and or Clout are the best medications for treatment of Dropsy. Notwithstanding, not much is known for certain about the etiology of this disease and some experienced aquarists use antibiotics to fight Dropsy. For oxytetracycline, baths of 20-100 mg/litre for five days is suggested. For tetracycline hydrochloride, treat with baths of 40-100 mg/litre for five days. And for minocycline hydrochloride a dilution of 250mg/10 gallons of water is recommended. On day 2 change all the water and add the medicine again at the same dose for another 2 days. Increase aeration during treatment. Do not use minocycline a third time in a row. Caution: tetracyclines are photo sensitive so turn the tank lights off during treatment and cover the whole tank with a blanket. If the fish is still eating, you can soak the food in a concentrated solution of the antibiotic before feeding."

    Good Luck!

  2. Could be dropsy or swim bladder..

    How big is your tank???? Answer my question and I will EDIT

  3. she might be pregnat and if she is in a tank of all girls then she may have been bregnet when you first got her like my cousin he got two fish and they were both supposed to be a boy but then one got pregnet and one of the fish died that was actully a boy we think it died before we found out the other one was pregnet because well i don't know but it doesn't matter just focas on your fish.well i hope i helped you good enough bye

  4. quarantine it for conditioning and observe further add rocksalt with good aeration  don't feed her for 3 days until condition improves.
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