
My finger is swelling up!! Help...Please?

by  |  earlier

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I was running down my steps and i cut my middle finger on my right hand 2 days ago. I have cleaned it and washed it to make sure it wasn't infected. tonight i was just watching a movie and my index finger feels numb and puffed up. I put it up to my other index finger and the numb one is a lot bigger. Is my middle finger that was cut affecting my index finger? HELP PLEASE!!!! Should I see a Docter? Or will i be alright?

Thanks a Bunch.




  1. go to a doctor he will look at it and prescribe antibiotics if it is an infection  

  2. It sounds like the beginning of an infection. Clean it with warm soapy water and put some Neosporin on it. However, do see your doctor. Infections can go very badly quite quick.

    If you see red streaks around the cut or anywhere on your hand, go to the ER immediately.  

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