
My fingers get really sore after golf any advice?

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if only playing for 10 minutes they feel like they are goign to cramp up.




  1. wiggle ur fingers around, do some finger exercises.  loosen ur grip on the club, too.  you could get some sort of gel handel for your club, might make it a bit awkward, so itd be like a tennis racket handel on a golf club.  maybe you could tape the club where you hold it so its a bigger width.

    answer my question!! please and thank u;...

  2. you are holding the club too tight, relax

  3. Ease up on your grip.  The club isn't attacking you; ergo you do not need to choke it to death.

  4. Try wearing a glove. This will help with your grip so you don't have to tighten up on the club so much. Also, drink lots of water. This will help ease up on the lactic acid in your knuckles. One more thing, keep your fingers moving to maintain circulation.

    Hope this helps.

  5. the same thing was heppening to me when I started playing and I developed trigger finger. you are holding the clubs to hard

  6. Give up golf for a sport less physically demanding on your fingers such as running marathons

  7. Several have answered with " You are holding the club too tight !!" and they are correct. Sam Snead, who was probably the best golfer of his day said " Put your hands on the grips as if you were holding a couple of baby birds. You don't want to squeeze them, do you ?"

  8. Dont kill the club, i hold mine really loose. In fact, i think it is too loose, last season my five iron went a good 50' in the air. It was pretty funny until it landed 100' away head first into teh parking lot. Needless to say, try holding your grip much looser, and if it feels unstable, try interlock gripping

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