
My firiend had s*x at 12. the guy she did it with is 18 should he get arrested for rape?

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my friend had s*x at 12 and doesnt think its that bad but she hasnt had her period since the day she had s*x could she be pregnant?and is it concitered rape?




  1. it is considered rape and I think he should be locked up!

    I really hope your friend isn't pregnant. that would destroy her world.

    best of luck.


    ps. the age of consent is 16 in the USA anyone over 16 having s*x with anyone under 16 is considered a pedophile and is rape!

  2. well yea he could get arrested cause hes over the age.and if she hasent had her period then there like a 90.o/o chance shes pregnant and i dont think its really rape uinless she told him to stop but he could still got to jail cause hes like over 18.

  3. yeah he should

  4. WHAT THE h**l DO A 12 YEAR OLD KNOW ABOUT s*x?!?!

    yes, and h**l yes

  5. she could be pregnant.

    it would be statutory rape.

  6. Uh yeah, that's considered rape. She should go the the doctor, not only to see if she's pregnant, but also to make sure she didn't get any STDs or anything like that.

  7. if her parents report it then yes, the girl has no say if the s*x is consensual until she is 16, until that age it is up to the parents.

    could she be pregnant, possible.  is she on the pill? did they use a condom? if she doesnt get it within a few weeks after she normally should id take a pregnancy test

  8. It is considered Rape. Idk I would wait for a little bit. It could be a little to soon to tell

  9. If the s*x was unprotected then yes, she could most definitely be pregnant. With the ages, this would only be considered "statutory rape" however, its still serious.  

  10. a 12 year old?

    thats pretty s***k-ish.

  11. That's going to be a felony in all 50 states.  

  12. well there is a possibility of pregnancy but she definitely shouldn't be having s*x so young.  if the boy is turned in he could get into really big trouble!  Encourage your friend to make better choices!

  13. I personally don't think that at the age of 12, anybody is mentally ready for s*x.

    And if he was reported, he could get arrested.  

  14. yes!!

  15. yes and yes

  16. how long ago was it since she had s*x..

    tell her to take a test...

    personally i think he should of had more respect for her..

    yes if you got in touch with the police he could be arrested..

  17. Yes, that's Statutory Rape.

    He could get arrested, weather it was consentual or not.

    If he is caught, he will most likely be on the National s*x Offender

    registry for the rest of his life, unless he finds the best lawyer ever.

    Go to Planned Parenthood.  


  18. Yes it is considered statutory rape. He is legally an adult and she is not even close to being an adult. He knows that having s*x with a child (a 12 year old is still a CHILD) is morally and legally wrong! She has a strong chance of being pregnant if they didn't use any protection, however she may not be due for her period yet. Your friend needs to get to the free clinic and get tested for pregnancy and diseases. Go with her so she has a friend and is less scared. Best wishes.

  19. yes it is...and if she is pregnant that makes the situation even worse.  Why is a 12 year old having s*x??

  20. That is considered child molestation and if the age difference is true, then that guy deserves to be behind bars!!

    Yes, she can be pregnant, she needs to go to the drugstore and buy a pregnancy test, if she doesn't have alot of money then she can either do one of two things:

    1) you can buy pregnancy tests from the dollar tree that will work just as well as the expensive ones, it's only a dollar, can't beat the price or

    2) go to planned parenthood, it's free to test but it will take a few hours.  

  21. Ok...12? With an 18 yr old? No way is that a good age 4 s*x! I had a gurl in my class like that. I think you should support her if she is pregnant....she shud also tell a trusted adult. Ps. If she thinks its a gud idea 2 av s*x at 12 then its her decision....but let her know that she shud neva b presured into it. Its hard wen ur under pressure.

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