
My first and possibly only tattoo?

by  |  earlier

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I want it to say, "Love is Pain" or "Pain is Love". No pictures or color. I think just black script of some sort. I think I may also want it in Italian or spanish, but I am not sure. Also do not know where on my body to put it. I don't really want it where anyone can see it.




  1. Above your ankle

  2. i just got one on the inside of my wrist a few days ago. but one thing i wish i would have done was get color...if its going to be on your body your whole life you should make it look cool. add color. even if its not alot.

  3. First off, congrats on getting a tatt. That said, RETHINK FIRST! The phrase you are considering has been done to death. I think there is even a tattoo shop that has it as their logo. Maybe come up with something more personal to you? A phrase that means the same as this one does, except only you get it, y'know? I like the foreign language idea though.

    Second, stay away from the wrist for your first one. Trust me on this, please. i am almost 3/4 covered on my upper body, and the inside of my wrists hurt even worse than my collarbone areas did. Besides, if you want to be able to hide it, that is not the place.

    Also, I'd bet money it won't be your last one. They are highly addictive. Fun, but habit forming. Maybe whatever you get should leave room for additions?

    Just a couple of thoughts. Enjoy whatever you decide on. The main thing to remember is: It's about you, and no one else. So be creative above all else.

    And welcome to the tattooed nation!  

  4. on the middle of your back

  5. If you are going to get it in a different language make sure you get the translation completely correct! I got a couple kanji symbols on my back and neck, and thankfully, the artist that did them, has been in and out of Japan the last 15 years. If you're looking for some place where people can't see it, the wrists are a good place, not many people actually notice them, feet are also a good one, or your ribs. Obviously I'm not sure how you dress or anything like that, but the tattoo I have on my side is the one that no one sees unless I show them [painful though!] that or my neck. I mean, if you're not going to be wearing tank tops or anything like that, your upper back is also a good place.

    Just make sure you get the translation right and the key rule to word tattoos is check check check!!! I got my daughters name tattoo'd on me and I looked at it about 6 times to make sure it was spelled right before I even let him put the template on me.

    Good luck!

  6. I think quotes make really pretty & meaningful tattoos. I eventually want to get a quote tattooed on my rib cage below my bust. If you want to hide it, you probably might reconsider the positioning. Ask a tattoo artist, they can help you out.

    Maybe the back of your lower neck? Btw, tattoos are SO addicting! It wont be your only tattoo.

  7. love is pain is better.

    but they are addicting my friend wants one and since getting it is planning at least 5 more lol.

    on your wrist maybe?

    or hip?


    En español

    el dolor es amor


    il dolore è amore


    la douleur est amour

  8. I have a Christian fish on the inside of my wrist

    it's easy to hide (for work) with a little band-aid or watch/bracelet.

    just think hard if you will want it in that spot for the rest of your life

  9. barf dont get it  

  10. my mom has one on the inside of her lip. that would be cool, or your neck, ankle, wrist. watever you want. its your tattoo;...


  11. Best place for a tattoo that you don't want visible to everyone, is somewhere that you can show it off if you want to, but hide it if you need to. Somewhere your clothing covers is best, but the closer to bone it is the more it hurts.

  12. will i think u should wait... will depends how long u whating to get it. if its more then 6 years yea okay but if u don't know what u want don't get it.... cause it can miss up ur life will maybe. but if u do get it in english cuz i tried saying it in spanish and it sounds wried. and don't put pain is love cuz it sounds like that u get hit or something. but yea u should wait try to put it on with pen and see if u like it or not. k

  13. get a tattoo on your forehead  

  14. if you want to hide it then put it on your lower back, if not wrist is fine. i got my 2nd tattoo on my inner wrist and my first one is on my shoulder....

    Trust me you never get just one tattoo, i'm working on my 3rd

  15. I think it would be cool on the inside of your wrist, or the side of your rib or something, (lower back tatoo's are also nice).  "Love is Pain" sounds better so you don't sound like a m*******t with "Pain is Love". :D

  16. well, if you like it do it! dont listen to what people say, its your body and if you can deal with having that on your body for the rest of your life thats cool!

  17. Watch out...I heard they are addicting!

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