This is Newton and his balloon
Newton and his balloon are friends.
Newton;s balloon makes Newton laugh
They love to play together
This is Newton;s friend Bill
Newton;s friend Bill does not like the balloon
Bill wants Newton to go to the park
Newton wants to go to the park but, only if he can bring his balloon
Bill said "Ok, but, if you lose your balloon you are going to be sad"
Bill, Newton and Newton;s balloon head out for the park
On the way they meet a dog who is very excited
The dog seems to want Newton;s balloon
Newton tugs his balloon by the string to keep it out of reach
The string slips out of Newton;s hand
and rises high in a tree
Bill said "See, I told you now, you are going to be sad"
But, before Bill was done talking
Newton began climbing up the tree
Up, up, up, the tree Newton climbed
Now, he could reach his balloon
Bill looked up when Newton called to him "Look out below!"