
My first comp!??

by  |  earlier

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O.k so tomorrow is going to be my first competition ever. Its a highschool rail jam. I feel that im good enough to be in the top but i just dont know what tricks to do. I can do pretty much any kind of jib. Anybody thats done a rail jam before wanna give me some ideas??





  1. its always good to start of simple noseslides fs and bs, board fs and bs .then step it up to som 180's on to switch presses etc. then do the spins on on and off and try some switch ****. but remember its always good to have them stylish and clean. if you wanna try to do a trick you havent absolutley got clean dont go for it. clean and stlyish are what they really look at

    good luck: :)

  2. But he asked it under snowboarding.....

  3. haha idk. but you should really make another question that says "my first rail jam competition"

    cuz i thought you meant comp as a computer... :D

  4. Frontside noseslide 270 out?

    Pretty much do anything complicated, and then for added kicks, hit it switch.  Add in a 180 or 270 coming on or out too.  Or if you're up to it, try a 270 into a boardslide.  Just make sure whatever you do is clean and you stick to it as long as you can.  It's looked down upon if you bail early or look squirmy on it.

    Good luck!

  5. just make sure that if you go for complicated things you still make it look goood, theres nothing worse than i complicated trick if it looks nasty and messy and awkward. so just do stuff you can do all steezy! hahaha.
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