
My first day of high school is tomorrow, and i need tips to stay calm, cool, and relaxed.?

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So tomorrow's my big day, and I'm freaked out.

I'm getting my nails done today, and using a facial mask and my best friend is spending the night, because that those things always calm me down. but I'm still very nervous, and when i get nervous my stomach hurts really bad, and i feel very puckky. gross right?

i keep thinking what if..?

i just need some tips to calm down and keep me relaxed.

thanks so much.





  1. First of all stop thinking what if. I had to stop myself because it makes your even more nervous. I started school today and i'm in 11th grade. You have to think of it as another day. And it will go by fast. Thats how today went. So dont be anxious about tommorow. Relax :)

  2. just relax. what could be so bad? it will soon be over and you'll be back home.  

  3. It's not as bad as you think it will be. I'm going to be a junior this year, and every year it gets easier.  Tomorrow just stick with someone you know, learn your way around the school, and you'll be fine!  Some ice cream tonight might help(: Eat some breakfast in the morning because a day at high school on an empty stomach is no fun.  You'll be perfectly fine, stop worrying!

  4. just stay focused and everything will be right... keep your cool, and stay focused on your target...  

  5. take a laxative.

    or a sedative.

    whichever works for you.

  6. just keep kool, im in the 10th grade.i know what its like.

    get to know people and have a good time.

  7. As you grow up you will enter many new phases in your life and this is only one of the many more to look forward to.  Enjoy each one as it comes.  Relax, things are seldom as bad as they may look to be.  Don't take anything as dead serious stuff, be ready to laugh at things that seem troublesome and keep a positive attitude.  There is an old Spanish proverb I leaned when I was a youngster--it translates to be--"Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday".  Which means, that it isn't nearly as bad as you first thought.  Good luck.

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