Hi everyone :)
I'm here in Spain (I was raised in Australia) and I am currently working for a telecom company. Before that I was a Mainframe Operator (OS/390) for a bank here in Madrid under IBM.
I am 27 going on 28 in October. I haven't studied systems engineering, I'm from an Admin background but I have an inclination for IT.
IBM regularly has courses (government funded = free) so I will attend another one this November, but I am not sure as to what to choose. Thanks be to God I am rather brainy and can manage most of what I learn or try (I love electronics/mechanics).
So, in seeing current demand for IT specialists in Cobol and Java I am at odds as to the path I have to take in order to obtain better job possibilities and a language that fits with my character: I am more keen on the inner workings of programs rather than GUI's and web sites.
So, any advice for a novice like me? It will be my first computer language I learn (apart from JCL and MVS/JES2 commands) so in your honest opinion, which should I choose?