
My first football Practice was yesterday and I have it today too but I am really SORE what should I do?

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I cant skip practice and I tryed taking a bath already MY Practice starts at 3 plz help me

1. My arms hurt

2. My Thighs

3. My One wrist

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh I am exhausted




  1. if u can't take it then quit then u won't have to worry about it if u do

  2. At night after practice, add 1 cup of Epsom salts to a warm bath. Soak for 30 minutes.  

  3. Suck it up, thats all.  Football is nothing but pain, and if you play long enough, it will be pain for the rest of your life.  Its not golf, there is nothing physically simple about the game unless youre a kicker.

  4. u need 2 stretch b4 practice during practice and after practice.

    & icy hot may work

  5. how about you man up, and stop being a wimp....this is FOOTBALL....not bowling or badminton dude....if your not sore, your not doing it right.....its the same for eveyone on your team.....its how bad you want it....your coach knows that all his players are sore...its how much they are willing to fight through the bad they want it.....and your coach doesnotice stuff like that....theres not much you can do about it really...some bengay and heating pads are just about all you can do...maybe some Aleve or Advil is all i can tell you......the most important part MUST stretch your muscles before practice...especially if your sore, if you dont, you are much more prone to serious injury....i cannot stress how important it is for you to stretch before your first several will get your muscles aklimated to the workout alot suck it up, do the proper stretches and you will be fine...

  6. Today you will just have to tough it out.  I promise once you start moving you will loosen up enough to get through practice.  But as soon as you get home from practice this evening run you a cold bath, buy a couple of bags of ice if you can and sit down in it for 20-30 mins.  It is very uncomfortable at first but your body will adjust to the cold.  I guarantee that you will feel better tomorrow.  

    Also remember to stay hydrated and invest in some type of protein supplement.  If your playing football you should already be taking a protein supplement which helps in re-generating muscle cells.  Which is what you need because one of the reasons that you are sore is because you broke down those muscles.  Remember to also eat a good meal!

    So do this.

    1. STAY HYDRATED, drink plenty of water!

    2. drink a protein supplement

    3. soak in an ice water filled tub

    4. eat a good meal

    5. get at least 8 hrs of sleep

  7. Suck it up your body will eventually get use to the practice.  Some of the things you can do is to take an advil or other pain killer, stretch the muscle, and rub alcohol over your body.  So hang in there it will get better.


  8. Ice and Lots of it!

  9. My head is in pain listening to you complain.All you can do is stretch and suck it up because no pain no game especially in Football.

  10. Drink some water then eat a banana and drink some orange juice. You might need a dose of vitamin c and potassium.

    Then I would warm my muscles by walking as much as possible and do some GENTLE stretching before you put your body into action again.

    Tip for the rest of the season...walk as much as you can and do stretches after work outs.

    I used to run the 880 in track and this was how you bounced back and not have injuries.

  11. Before practice rub A535 or Tiger Balm on your sore muscles and stretch a whole bunch.

  12. stretch. do a good warm up before your practise

  13. If you think practice hurts. Wait till you get you first big shot to you chest in a real game.  You can get used to practice but you never get used to that.

  14. maybe  you should stop being a whining little *****

  15. Forget football and take up tiddly winks

  16. If ya cant take the heat, stay outta the kitchen

  17. Suck it up and get your @$$ to practice.

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