
My first job interview!!!!!!!!!!!!! So NERVOUS!

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Alright, so...I just got a call from the manager at petsmart and we scheduled an interview for tomorrow at 2pm. I am excited but so nervous since this is my first time and I have NO IDEA what to expect.


Thanks so much!




  1. Don't be nervous because it will show! Just be honest when you answer the questions unless honest answers are ridiculous for example:

    Q: Do you like pets?

    A: No I can't stand animals!

    That would not be smart! But just relax- usually if they schedule an interview your half way in, they wouldn't bother if they didn't like your application.  ALSO, wear something nice but don't over do it because you'll be wearing a uniform.  Try a pear of kayki capris or shorts with a nice top. Don't wear anything revealing or with holes!

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. well i think it is best to wear khakis with a polo shirt if it is pertsmart, or something that kinda resembles the uniform...

    and try not to be nervous, and if you are just say so "im a little nervous, this is my first interview"

    and prepare questions for the manager beacuse he always asks if you have any questions for him.

    first they usually ask for you to tell them a little about yourself, so prepare for that.

    and dont slouch on the chair, sit straight up. ( if not he wil think u dont care about the job)

  3. don't be nervous, you will probably get the job

    Make sure to not wear skimply clothes like short shorts or a really small tanktop, try wearing like capris\pants, and a t-shirt or something

  4. Wear some neat and nice. Not too much attention getter, but nothing too sad looking. You don't want to be seen as a person who is going to a funeral.

    I would say try to relax and have a clean conversation. You want to look as a person who is very open. Don't talk to much that you end up hurting yourself by giving out some personal information that seems odd. Stick to your skills and knowledge, nothing more!! Show the manager that you are a confident and show enthusiasm about the job. S/he probably ask you some random craps like "tell me a little bit about yourself?" or "what are some of your strong side of dealing with customers?" etc..., Just be confident and give a quick, but thought out answers. They probably will not care what kind of words you give them, as long as it is not stupid, you will be ok!! Good luck to ya!!

  5. For a interview at petsmart khakis and a tee, it is no big deal they will just go over your app and ask you a few questions relax!!

  6. I'd say wear black pants/sandals or heels.

    Button/collared shirt.

    Just be clean and neat and presentable.

    It'll be very easy as long as you love animals and get along with people.

    It'll be a breeze, don't stress.

  7. practis infront of a mirror that might help :)

    anwser my question

    erm anything your comfortable with really

  8. Wear jeans and nice tshirt. (or kackees)

    They know you will be nervous. Relax, better more chance you have for the job.

    Questions they will ask.....

    -Why do you want this job?

    -Why should I hire you?

    -Your grades and sports you play?

    -What kind of worker are you?

    -What kind of pay suits you?

    If you have answers to those then you will be much more prepared then before. Remember eye contact is very critical and a firm hand shake when you are meeting the manager. And be there 10-15 minutes before 2. Always better to be prompt than late.

    Also carefull about the pay. Normal starting is $6.50 which is min wage.

  9. i am pretty sure that they do group interviews at petsmart. they take about 10-ish people and randomly ask them questions and have them watch a video.

    dont wear jeans!! wear something like khaki/black pants and a plain shirt or a blouse.

    best of luck


  10. Interviews differ with what kind of position you are applying for. At Petsmart it shouldn't be much more than just sitting down and talking about yourself, letting the mananger get a feel for who you are. I wouldn't be nervous. However be prepared to answer a few questions like:

    Why do should we hire you at Petsmart?

    What would you bring to the company?

    Do you feel like you work well with others?

  11. Interviews!  Exciting :)

    1. Dress Nicely! Wear colors that suit you best according to your skin tone and hair color.  You only get a short time to impress, so looking nice, sharp and clean is a must.  Dress shirt, pants and nice shoes is what I go with.

    2. Try to appear calm, collected, and professional.  You probably won't be asked difficult questions, so just be polite and courteous with your answers.  If they are lazy at interviewing they will finish quick and just ask you "anything else you'd like to mention?" in that case follow 3 and 4

    3. If they give you an opportunity to list your best qualities give things that are directly related to the job you are applying for: (hard working, optimistic, good with people, good with animals)

    4. Make it clear why you want to work there.  ie love animals, experience taking care of them, or like to do all sorts of things like cleaning, stocking, being a cashier.  Maybe you have noticed that the location is well run or you really liked the 'friendly atmosphere'

    5.  MOST IMPORTANT this was passed along to me by a friend.

    Call back 1-3 days after your interview!  If they haven't called you, ask if you have the job.  This will make you a better candidate because it will show your initiative and interest in working at their store.

    Generally, when you drop off a resume, you should always call a few days after and ask if they got your resume and if you can come in for an interview.

    Hope this helps!  Good luck!

  12. Look, Seriously, what you need to do are 1-Have a list of questions that you have to ask the interviewer 2-Very Good eye contact 3-Take off all of your fake nails (if you have any) 4-Do not wear parfume 5- NEVER BE LATE 6- Good Breath 7-Do not wear stuff that would make the interviewer think that you are selling you body 8-DON'T talk ghetto 9- Speak Proper 10- You will do great!  Oh wait, DO NOT TALK ABOUT MONEY, unless the interviewer talks about it first.


  14. Congratulations on getting the interview!

    Okay - here's some advice from an experienced HR person:

    DO wear proper clothing.  This doesn't mean that you have to wear a suit, but wear a neat, clean shirt (button-down or a blouse) and a nice pair of pants or a casual skirt - not denim, though.  And NO capris or shorts.  Also wear a nice pair of shoes.  No sandals, flip-flops or sneakers.  Take out all body piercings and if you happen to have any tattoos, make sure they are covered.  Wear your hair in as neat a style as possible.  If you have long hair, make sure it is brushed out of your face.  Possibly wear it up (that's what I always did when my hair was long).  Don't go overboard in makeup either.  Make sure that if you wear makeup that it is neat, and looks as natural as possible.  

    DO be prepared for the questions that you may be asked.  Like: 'Why do you want to work at PetSmart?', 'How many hours a week are you looking for?', 'What do you consider some of your strengths and what do you consider some of your weaknesses' (personally I HATE that question, but a lot of hiring managers ask it nowadays), and 'What positives can you bring to our team?'.  There may be other questions that the manager asks, but if you remain calm, cool and collected and answer them without overthinking you should ace the interview.  Also, make sure to have any questions that you want to ask in mind at the interview that relate to getting hired.  

    DO be completely polite.  When you meet the interviewer for the first time, address him or her by their name and when you leave, make sure to get the interviewer's business card (store managers almost always have business cards).  That way you can use it when you write your thank you letter.

    DO have good posture during the interview.  Don't slouch.  

    ALWAYS write a thank you letter to the interviewer.  It's old-fashioned, I know, but it's a way that the interviewer will remember you and it'll put you at the top of his/her list of call backs.

    Remember, if you don't get this job, there are always plenty more out there.  Be calm, relaxed and present a responsible, positive attitude you should be a shoo-in.

    Good luck, honey!!!  

  15. First you should get a good night sleep, make sure your cloths are already out for the interview. Have a light breakfast also make sure that all the people you put down as a reference know that they might be getting a call. Make sure dress attire is comfortable and clean. Make sure you are ahead of time around 145pm and shake hand firmly and make eye contact and you should be okay. You also can goggle to tell you how to dress also. Good luck on your interview.

  16. Just dress casual and when you take the interview don't act nervous, act confident (not too confident though).  He/she will know what it is like and won't really care about you being nervous.  Just try your best.

  17. you should study what your gonna say so it comes naturally and try to talk normally...bosses can usually sense fear...if he asks you if your nervous say..."a little bit, but i will calm down because i want to show you that i really deserve this job." will show responsibility...and wear something like jeans with a reall nice top....dont wear a t-shirt

  18. As for what you wear, its always best to dress above expectations. Also try to wear something that will stand out, but in a classy way. A good example would be to wear a bright color.

    A great tip is to always accept a bottle of water if they offer, even if you're not thirsty. Then, when they are asking their question, you can be taking a drink of what and take a few moments to think of how you should respond.

    Also, be confident, there are plenty of jobs in the world, don't be afraid of not getting the job. Remember that jobs are a lot like relationships; sometimes they are a great match, and other times you both recongnize that it's not working out.

    Also, openly tell them that you would like the position and believe you are a great candidate. If you do this, they will take you more seriously. People who want to work make great workers.

  19. Dear One, this might seem funny, but I figured out that the best way to chill out is to imagine that my interviewer is setting naked, in normal it would make me laugh, but while being nervous it will help to chill out, about what you should wear, be so classic & comforted, dark colors prefered, just minimise your physical reactions as much as possible, don't speak fast to avoid verbal mistakes, make your goal to have your interviewer needing your shoulder someday !

  20.'s a job at petsmart.  You won't make a ton of money and the only job requirement is probably being able to do algebra and being good with animals...Just relax and take it one step at a time.

    In regard to your outfit i'd suggest khakis or a skirt, and a decent top.  But don't be so dressy you look like you can't dress casual.

  21. I would wear something business casual.  I would go with khaki/tan or black pants and a dark shirt that has a collar.  Skip the perfume or heavily scented lotions, as the interview rooms are usually pretty small.

    Try and relax and always remember that the interviewer is probably as nervous as you!  

    Take a moment to think about your answers and just be honest and yourself.  Getting an interview is half the battle.

    Just smile a lot, be honest and try to relax and you should do fine!

  22. My boyfriend used to work at petsmart and he enjoyed his job!! I actually went for an interview today and no matter how ready you are its hard not to be nervous! when you actually go in and talk try and be calm! Be respectful and answer questions carefully! Just be yourself and smile and all should go well!  

  23. Wear something nice but not too nice!

    definitely no heels if you're applying to work at petsmart!

    just smile and explain you're strongest attributes (hard worker, etc.)

    tell them that you would be completely committed...

    try to not be so nervous!

    just act like yourself and be personable.

  24. wear something thats business casual (ie: casual dress pants and a nice shirt) with shoes, not sandals, don't chew gum, have good eye contact and a good solid handshake.

    no worries, i have an interview tomorrow too (so we're in the same boat)

    be prepared to share your experience with animals and other people, qualities about yourself, and this is the time to sell yourself so complement yourself (ie: dependable, hard worker, good with all personality types, you don't like to stand around and do nothing, etc.) be confident. smile.

    you will do fine. just breathe.

  25. dress regularly like more of what ever related to the job you have just try wearing something nice you no t-shirt skirt matching out fit

    tell yourself to remain clam down im never nervous on interviews cause i got plenty of them 1st interview i was never nervous

  26. hmmmmm. Remind yourself this is the first of many interviews that you will have, and this first one is practice.


  27. Ok, first: CHILL! You'll do fine, you just gotta cool off. The manager or whoever is interviewing you, will probably ask you questions about your experience, what you could bring to the Petsmart team, qualities you have that would benefit the company and they "observe" the way you act. i.e. Your attitude, if you have a nice personality, if you seem "flake-ish" or if you don't seem to care about the job opportunity. Make sure you smile and seem enthusiastic about your perspective job. But, make sure to not go overboard with the niceness; good balance. I'm sure you have a good personality, so let it shine. As for clothes, definitely something professional, however something your comfortable in and will the other person at ease. Don't show up in a ball gown or jeans and a t-shirt. Once again, it's about a good balance.      

    I would say maybe black dress pants or khakis with a polo or a button-up shirt. Be a stunner :)

    Good Luck!

    If you have anymore questions, email me!      

  28. It is understandable that you are nervous, but relax. Getting nervous is not going to help you to get the job. Dress something casual, like some black dressing pants and a nice shirt that goes with it, no jeans or shorts, or capris. Bring your resume. They will ask you questions such as why do you think you are the right candidate for that position, what experience you have, etc. They will call you back if you are elected. Don't expect to have an answer the same day since they have to interview more people to see who fits better for the position you apply for. Be natural, show security in your answers, and answer the necessary, don't say more than you should. Good Luck

  29. wear black pants n a white shirt

    n omg my first interview was a NIGHTMARE... lookin bk stil makes me cringe...i got interviewed by this soooo fit guy i got ded nervous.....went bright red.....;( hahaha an started 2 sweat so much...hope this helps lol

    urs cant be any worse than mine xxxxxxxx

    good luck x

  30. Congratulations!  It's tough to get past the application phase and to the job interview, so your prospective employer already sees compelling things about you.  You should be proud!

    First, what to wear:  I'm always told to anticipate the expected dress code of the position, and then dress a notch higher.  For example, if the attire is business casual, wear a dress suit.  If it's a casual workplace (jeans and sneakers), wear a nice pair of non-jeans casual slacks, a conservative shirt and a pair of casual non-sneaker shoes.  Oh, and whatever you wear, don't wear flip-flops.  Some people have a hatred for those, and you could s***w things up if your interviewer is one of those people.  Not worth taking a chance.

    As to how to conduct yourself in the interview, here are some tips:

    1)  Research the company and ask questions.  Through your conversation, demonstrate that you know something about the company.

    2)  Be confident.  You are entitled to be confident.  You have the interest of the company!!  This means you rock!!  Without being smarmy or cocky, be self-assured.

    3)  When discussing the position, try to focus on how YOU can help the COMPANY.  For example, don't say, "I've always wanted a job where I have freedom to work at my own pace."  Say, "I feel I can perform better for my employer in a position where I work at my own pace."

    4)  On the first interview, do not ask about salary, wages, benefits, etc.  There will be subsequent interviews or a dialogue with a job offer in which you can ask these questions.   BUT - do NOT be afraid to ask the questions in subsequent interviews.  My kids have taken jobs without asking how much the jobs pay because they felt uncomfortable asking.  Do NOT feel uncomfortable.  You are there to work so that you can earn a paycheck.  It's only natural to ask how much the job pays.  The interviewer will not be put out by that question in any sense.  But again, best to have that conversation in a 2nd interview or at the job offer (if no 2nd interview).  (I once had a prospective employee ask me, "How many days off do I get a year, because I really don't like working."  She wasn't offered the job.)

    If you have a resume, bring two clean copies.  Bring a notepad so you can take notes.  Greet your interviewer with a firm but not overpowering handshake.  Don't be afraid to make eye contact.

    If they ask you, "What would you consider to be your worst asset," try to answer it in a positive way.  "Well, some would say I'm a work-a-holic, so I suppose my worst asset is expecting co-workers to work as hard as me."  That's like butter to an employer's ears!

    Good luck, remember to be confident.  And don't expect to be perfect.  The interviewer doesn't expect you to be perfect.  If you make a mistake, just keep moving on and don't dwell.  

    Curtain rising...

  31. Your first job interview is always scary, but let me give you a few pointers, make sure you look the person in the eyes as you are talking to them and when your listening, very important! also pay very close attention to the questions they ask, some of them will be trick questions. Be honest accurate and punctual, try to wear something conservative, not to classy and not to trashy. Good luck!

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