
My first rave?! Help!?

by Guest64949  |  earlier

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Im going to my first rave next week!

What should I expect? And what should I do?

Any interesting stories, thanks!




  1. Have fun and dance a lot...

    Don't do drugs cus they're bad.

    Go with fiends who will look out for you and you look out for them.

    Bring glow sticks.

    Did I mention dance a lot and have fun?

    Usually its just a big dance party somewhere.  The location depends on the type of rave.  Usually its in a concert hall or club or some stuff like that if it is a produced rave.  If not it will be in someones barn or something.  There will be lots of lights, smoke machines and all that jazz.  Lots of thump thump thump and dancing.  Crazy costumes too.

  2. Spike and dye your hair, go all out punk! Expect to be pushed, shoved, sworn at, and have your eardrums blasted out. Avoid moshing too hard, you might just die :D

  3. I would suggest not going.  That is the main place to go if you want to see people having s*x out in the open and people doing drugs, If your into that stuff have fun.

  4. lolololololololololol

  5. wats a rave?

  6. My first rave was awsome ....just becareful, My exp was danceing all night and not rembering how I got home and my keys well Goodbye....and my car aws towed

  7. Expect ALOT of dancing XD. And where the most breathable and most comfortable clothing because you'll be sweating. But it must be stylish aswell! I went to a rave and I had a blast! Lasted until like 2 in the morning and started at 7. Lights were everywhere techno music playing and everyone dancing and yelling! Daft punk was there. THE best time of my life! You totally should have been there though because you would of loved it. And I'm sure your rave thing will be as good!

  8. Look geezer. You want thrills, pills, spills and cats. If you can get any Clarky Cat go that way. If not, you've got Jessop, Jessop, Jessop. Watch out for cake though, it's a made up drug. Jump at Joss Ackland's spunky back pack though. Good luck!

  9. Don't eat anything anyone gives you. Don't drink any water that the cap is not on tight when you buy it.
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