
My first real boyfriend.....I am 100% totally clueless.....HELP! =S?

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Ok so I hung out with the guy I really liked and we went indoor rock climbing lol He kissed in my first REAL kiss......then he asked me out and I finally made a decision and said yes and I was totally happy and the such but now I'm feeling a little lost because I've never done any of this before......he says I'm his first girlfriend so it takes a little of the pressure off but firstly how do I not get my hopes up too high 'cause I know it won't last forever and secondly how can I keep him interested and not lose interest?




  1. Deep breath. :). Ok, repeat after me: "I shall be myself."

    He is attracted to the person you are. He asked you out based on how you are. There is no need to change that.

    Yes, many 1st time relationships end, but go in expecting the best. Some do last - don't doom it before it begins.

    As far as keeping his interest, as your relationship develops you both will (or should) do things to show the other person you care. Not elaborate things, but a note in their lunch, flowers for no reason, dropping off or making his favorite meal, things that show you are thinking about him and vice versa.

    You can't force someone to stay interested. If it is meant to end it will, but in the meantime, enjoy the ride and don't overthink it too much...

    and congratulations :)

  2. always keep him wantin more.

    and do not put out.

    ppl would think ur ez and sleezy if you do with ur

    first bf.

    just go slow, take ur time.

    compliment him. make him feel better when hes upset.

    dont get too clingy, give him space.

    dont call toooo much.

    typical answers, i know.

    but it will help alot.

    good luck hun.  

  3. hey just be your self

    don't change because he probably likes you for who you are.

    you do what you think is right and even if your really scared confess to him and you guys might become even closer. always believe your heart, it knows whats right :)

    good luck  

  4. take it slow...

  5. how old are you? just curious

  6. Be yourself!  

  7. If u know it won't last forever, I wouldn't waste my time. Just be friends

  8. okay, first off relax.

    just breathe and relax

    and secondly, dont worry about him not liking you. if you kissed you AND asked you out, just keep being who you are. dont change to me more flirtatious or more loud or more whatever, because obviously he likes you the way you are.

    i remember my first boyfriend. it was so cute but kinda awkward.

    everyone is awkward and has no idea what they are doing. if you guys bump heads kissing (or teeth...been there done that) or its funny when you grab hands, just laugh it off.

    everyone's done it.

    and it makes the couples that have been together for a while smile and remember they're first hand holding or kiss or whatever.

    good luck and remember just relax!!!!!!

  9. Oh Honey, you never know, he COULD be the one.... I am my boyfriends first g/f and we are planning to get married....

    Anyway, as for keeping him interested, just be yourself. Dont worry about being perfect, cause I can PROMISE you he is JUST AS worried and nervous as you are. Just learn more about him, be yourself and have fun with it!

  10. enjoy while it asts hun :)

    you qont regret it!

  11. please him ;]

  12. Be patient and take one day at a time. Enjoy the moment and always be respectful to yourself and him.  

  13. just be yourself! i may not BE a guy but i think anyone would feel like they wouldnt want to date someone becuase they couldnt be themselves. and take my advice on this becuase i know a lot about guys... or at least kind of considering a lot of my really good friends r guys (wich is actually kind of akward becuase some of them like me and the rest just know it and its really annoying). but ive also dated a lot and my personal philosophy is that if the doesnt like you anymore when he breaks up with you then its no use getting back together and if he cant appreciate you its also not worth it.

  14. ok sweetie u need to calm down and just b urself in front of him. i may only be 13 but i no a lot about boyfriends. I had my first in 2 grade. just chill and email me to tell me how it goes

  15. First you kiss him, then have to think about going out with him?  

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