
My fish are dieing?

by Guest55770  |  earlier

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Well the thing is... I have 13 fancy guppies and 4 Neon Tetras in a 10 gallon tank, I've tried putting kuhli loaches in... they died... then I put an angelfish in... it died... my guppies and tetras are fine... what is happening?!?!




  1. c dude loaches r river fishes they need fresh water unlike the tetras and guppies,,,they require sand to hide,u 1st add sand to ur tank instead or pebbles.....

  2. ur tank is way to crowded get another one.

    btw you need atleast a 30gal tank for an angel fish as they need it.

  3. well hav u tried testing the water for chlorine that might be killin ur fish

  4. Do you have a heater & aerator?

    Is your filter clean & working?

    Maybe check the Ph in the water.

    Guppies & tetras pretty much live in anything.

  5. um...the thing is that your tank is a ten gallon, and it's already a home to a oxygen choking 17 fish. angelfish need LOTS of room, and cannot be housed at all in a ten gallon unless it's only temporary until you can get the larger more adequate one.

    I dont know about Kuhli loaches, but I'm sure they would soon outgrow a ten gallon tank.

    You should stop trying to add more fish to an already overcrowded tank, besides I'm sure your ammonia levels are through the roof with that many fish in there...

    I suggest you either get a bigger tank or give some fish away. This will solve your problems.

    Hope this helps!

  6. Are you feeling a little carnivorous?

  7. Your tank is WAY overcrowded!

    A general rule of thumb, is 1 gallon of water for every INCH of fish.

    If you tested your water right now, I'll bet you anything your ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites would all be off the charts.

    Kuhli loaches and angelfish are pretty sensitive, angels especially so.  If you don't have enough space to keep them they'll die.

    Basically if you don't want anymore fish to die, I suggest you either get another tank running and slowly add some fish into that, or maybe even give some away.

    In the meantime, do pretty frequent water changes, but not too much water at a time, to bring down your levels of ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites.

    Tetras and guppies are fairly hearty, so it doesn't surprise me that they're still doing ok.

    Whatever you do, don't add anymore fish. (fish that die in the tank just adds more ammonia).

    Also, when feeding, scoop out any uneaten food after a couple of minutes to avoid further dirtying of the tank.

    Hope this helps some.
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