
My fish died suddenly today?

by  |  earlier

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Today, I found one of my fish belly-up in my tank.

When I took him out to have a look, he was slightly sticky and was slimy, like a film was on him. Also, his scales were white/cloudy.

I tested the water, and it was fine, the only thing was there was some algae on the sides of the tank. My other fish are fine.

I got him and he looked like he was fully grown, and I've had him about a year now.

Any suggestions on what may be the cause?

Thank you very much anyone.




  1. looks may fool you. My pey fish died the day i got him because of old age and he looks fine. Other than that, your other fish might have ate him

  2. it may have been of old age or some disease

  3. slimy film, pale in color. sounds like it definitely was sick from  a disease called ick. fish get it from stress. you can use a anti ick solution at the first signs of it and Aqua plus is great to use for water changing

  4. well if u didnt feed it how its sopoused to be feed then that my have been the problem becaz it was a over sized fish

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