
My fish had babies is there anything I need to do?

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We bought 4 red platys about 1-2 weeks ago. One of them i guess is female but there could be more because I can't tell there genders. I don't know if we have the father fish because we just got them. There are 5 tiny babies I think. Anything I need to change, like the filter, food, water,etc?




  1. im pretty sure they take care of it themselves, maybe use some sort of vitamins?

  2. not at all just give them their space.  the mom&&dad will get territorrial and if you make them too stressed by coming close they will rapidly shake their bodies and have a risk of death by having too much stress so I would just leave them alone for awhile.  

  3. thats the first time I've heard of fish in a fish tank having babies lol

    cool !

  4. Inform the census department.

  5. You don,t have to do anything. just don,t let any more fish be with the male and female.

  6. you dont need to do anything. Ive been in your situation a few weeks ago. i bought the same fish.. Let mother nature do her job. in a few days everything will fall into place.  

  7. Grab a breeder net from the pet store. And if you can, catch the babies and put them in the net. Otherwise, the bigger fish will eat the babies up! I am sure there are some babies that are already food. That happens. If you don't want to breed, or don't care what happens, then don't worry about it. Otherwise, separate the babies from the adults.

  8. You need to get a baby net so mama doesn't eat them. My female had babies the day after we bought her. I came home and there was about 40 little surprises in there. The net is shaped like a perfect square and your can probably get it at Petsmart. Also when you feed them crumble it up really good. I didn't have to change my filter anymore than i normally do. Do not put any solutions like stuff for fin rot in there as it's too strong for them and could kill them.  

  9. you might need to put a little bit more food in there. and clean the tank a little bit more but there is nothing you can really do because i would think the mother would take care of it. idk im not really a fish expert

  10. just more food. my fish have been colonizing for about 4 years

  11. You need to name them

  12. I don't really know, but eggs usually survive well. I wouldn't do much, but feeding more would be a good idea (females might refrain from eating when pregnant. My fish did and it died cause i didn't see the babies and thought it was male.) =/

  13. lols nope nothing let the fish handel it

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