
My fish has a cloudy eye - what is wrong with it?

by Guest59143  |  earlier

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My fish has a cloudy eye - what is wrong with it?




  1. it could be blind or have some sort of mutation or something!! Sorry i dont really know, it could be anything...Just ask a petstore they know more than i do.

  2. "Sounds, it could be infected,...

    see website below for more information,...

    BEST WISHES,....

  3. You can tell when the fish might have mucus on the outer surface and the goldfish can probably not see as well. What causes cloudy eye is poor water quality, lack of vitamins, an unhealthy diet, and eye flukes like Duplicitous, corneal damage, and bacterial infection. Lastly if you really want to prevent cloudy eye try to keep up the water quality, stick to healthy, balanced good quality food that contains extra vitamins to ensure your fish is as healthy as possible.

    Good Luck!

  4. he's gone blind in the cloudy eye (most likely) but he cud also have an infection- dont worry!!

    your fish will be ok!


  5. either its blind in that eye or its dying!

  6. Never cook a fish with cloudy eyes, it means it is not fresh.

  7. cloudy eye is non specific but most likely a bacterial infection, if not treated the fish willl eventually lose its eye.

    look for treatments for cloudy eye. there are plenty on the market but they offer varying success.

    check water quality of the aquarium as this  sometimes occurs due to poor enviroment/conditions

  8. He could be dying

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