
My fish have developed white fluf on their fins and body's , help

by  |  earlier

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How do I treat it.




  1. Sounds like they have some sort of fugus,  call your local pet store fast to get medicine.

  2. Yep, it's ick.  It will spread to all your fish and kill them.  You need to go to a pet store and get chemical treatment for the water.

  3. they have ick they get it from a new tank or getting moved you can buy tablets to clear ick or emergency drops tos clear ick off your fish

  4. this is not ich

    ich is white spots the size of a grain of salt this sounds like a fungus infection you need to get a medication for fin rot and body fungus you also need to check your water conditions for ammonia this type of infection is normaly caused by bad water conditions ammonia  

  5. Its not ich.. Its fungus..

    go to the fish store, and buy some fungus cure :)

  6. this is called fungus, if it is with other fish remove it into a quarantine tank,   you need a medicine that helps against fungus, there are a few look in your local fish store, you could try Methylene Blue? i think it works very well.

    good luck =]

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