
My fish is dead! why?!please help?

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my catfish have just died all of a sudden, it had no symptom's of illness and it was only a couple months old when i bought it, why did it die?




  1. I had the same problem with my guppy today.

  2. It might not have been dead when You flushed it. Goldfish lie on the surface of the water when they are overfed.

  3. Suck it up and eat them.

  4. Did you check your water?

    The reason most fish die, bad water conditions.

    Anyone that owns fish should also own a water test kit.

  5. there's many factors that may have occured.  it may have had an illness and symptoms, you just thought it was normal.  also, they sometimes eat their own p**p.  plus something in his water may have triggered it.  like an algae, or maybe someone didnt clean the tank well enough.  u should call the local petsmart if you want to know.  

  6. Fish are funny things and sometimes just keel over and die for no apparent reason. There could have been a number of things which caused it, like damaged swim bladder, parasites, infection etc etc. Is the water quality okay and is the filtration system working okay? Are you giving them enough food for them to feed on the bottom? As they are bottom feeders sometimes they don't get a chance to feed, if the others have eaten it all before it gets to the bottom of the tank. I buy algae wafers for my cats and plecs. Its just ensures that they actually get some food.  

  7. Its time was up!  

  8. It's just a fish.

    Get another one.

  9. Here are a few things that probaly occured it:

    The water wasn't changed

    The fish ate it's p**p because the water had it's p**p in it

    You fed it too much

    You didn't feed it enough

    Tip: Get a japanese fighting fish. My friend had one and it lasted a year without feeding it or changing the water. So I bet if you changed the water and fed it. It could live a long life.

    Hope this helped. Please vote for me.

  10. There are multiple causes for fish deaths, almost all of them are linked to poor water quality. Fish are extremely vulnerable  to illness and disease when stressed from poor water quality's. There's a biological filter in your tank made up of a few different types of bacteria, without these nitrifying bacteria the toxicity levels of toxic chemicals such as ammonia and nitrite reach dangerous levels in a very short period of time. you should read up on the nitrogen cycle..

  11. its time was up...Get another one! Maybe it died because you ate it..jk

  12. same thing here

  13. It could well have been your water, have you any other fish, if so check your water asap. Sorry for your loss.

  14. God wanted it to.

    It was written in its destiny ;)

  15. get an autopsy done

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