
My fish is getting too big for my tank, any ideas what I should do?

by  |  earlier

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I dont want a bigger tank, and to be honest I really didnt expect it to live so long.

It was only about 2 inches when I got it and its grown to about 8 inches now.




  1. you really need a bigger tank or you can  give it to someone who has a big tank

  2. yea i would buy a bigger tank or give it to a friend or a pet store  what size tank is it in anyway it shouldnt be in a tank smaller than a 10 gallon

  3. get a bigger tank

  4. Either give it to a friend or take it to your local stockist and either give it to them or some places will exchange.

  5. Get a smaller fish

  6. our goldfish is big as well we just bought another tank that came with a water cleaner. it keeps the water cleaner for longer so we dont have to keep moveing a big fish about becouse its too big for a goldfish net XD.

  7. give it to someone you know with a bigger tank or ask a fish shop if they will take it

  8. call an aquarium, (ot the big ones , like a fish store) or go to one and bring a picture of the fish. tell the he has out grown your tank.ask if you bring it in and give it to them would they give you store credit for other fish.or if they wont. just ask if they will take it anyway.

  9. you could wash the fish on an 80 degree cycle and hope they shrink

    or you could think outside the box and buy a new tank

  10. Simple choice either get a bigger tank or get rid of all or some of the fish.

  11. can you get a tank that will fit the fish? that would probably be better for the fish's heath as well :D

  12. I'm guessing its a plecostomus?  Anyway, take it back to a good pet store.  They will usually take it and give you a credit for it as well.  At the minimum, they should take it for you.

    I would call them first to make sure they'll take it though, before I bagged it up and headed out the door with it, in case they don't have the room for it in one of their tanks.

  13. Well, in all honesty the only way is to buy a bigger tank unless you want to keep it in such a small bowl it is ok. I knew a girl that kept two 7 year old fish in a very small round bowl and they are still living just fine. ( Not much room though)

  14. you could sell your fish but if you dont want to buy a water filter make sure the tank is not too overcrowded with other fish or objects!


  16. find out twhat is is called then research on the size of tank it needs , then... go and buy a bigger tank or if you can not affort it or can not accomidate it put a add in your local paper or ask at your local fish shop if they could put a sign in there window advirtising you are wanting to sell it .

    hope this helps

  17. Sell it on a local website like The Sun advertising thing, gumtree or ebay.

    Or see if the fish shop will take it back, if you tell them your situation they may well

    Hope i helped


  18. no other option than to get a bigger tank

  19. either give it to some one you know, or you'll have too get a bigger tank!

    sorryy. =)

  20. Get rid of it or buy a bigger tank.

  21. You have two options :

    1. buy a bigger tank.

    2. get rid of the fish.

  22. get a biggr tank..........duh!!!!!!!

  23. as you have said that you do not want a bigger tank i would say that the best thing for you to do would be to take the fish to an aquatic centre and ask them how much they would give you for him and then you purchase some fish out of that money or whatever that are suitable for your aquarium.  the fish itself can not be happy if it is living in a tank that he has out grown so you would be even doing him a fovour too. the best thing to do would be to do that so that he can then be sold on to sombody who has a bigger tank or maybe if he was suitable he could be put in one of their display tanks or something and you would see him whenever you wanted. i hope i have helped.

  24. sounds like a plecostomus. They'll keep growing so long as there's algae for them to eat. You should have no problems trading it to your local fish store for a smaller one. Go there first and ask them though.

  25. Sorry - but it's a bit of a daft question if you immediately say you don't want to get a bigger tank.

    Ask in a pet shop if they're interested or................get a bigger tank.

  26. There is not much you can do except feed it a little less then you usually do. If it has lived for a long time it will die soon anyway.

    All the best (:

  27. It's probably a plecostamus, and it will get bigger if it's the common species, so if you don't want to get a bigger tank, you need to get rid of it.  You can place an ad in the newspaper or find out if a fish store might offer a trade.  Of course, you'd want something that doesn't grow as big, and that would naturally depend on the size of your tank.

  28. Add a hazelnut-size piece of baker's yeast to a cup of tepid water, with a level teaspoon of sugar, and leave for a few minutes so that the yeast works. Add to half a pound of plain flour, together with one egg, and beat with a fork to form a smooth paste, about the consistency of thick cream. Add more water as necessary. Leave in a warm place for about an hour to rise.

    Fillet the fish, dip in seasoned flour, then dip in the batter, and deep fry at approximately 150 degrees Celsius (300 degrees Fahrenheit).

    Serve with French fries style Pont Neuf, a sprinkling of salt and malt vinegar, and either tomato ketchup (British) or mayonnaise (Belgian) or both (Dutch).

    For sustainability, change the water in the tank and buy another fish.

  29. Get a wider and bigger tank!

  30. either give the fish to a friend who owns a bigger tank or pond or give it to a pet shop, or buy a bigger tank( thats what i suggest)

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