
My fish is pregnant - what do i do now?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not a breeder or anything but i'm pretty sure one of my fish is pregnant. I looked at photos and everything and she looks exactly like other pregnant fish. So now that she's probably pregnant, what should i do? Do i need to seperate her? she's in a tank with either one male and one female or two males. when (and if) she has eggs and stuff what do i do then? will she eat them or something or will she lok fter any newborn fishies??? I'm new at this (not fish but fish pregnancy). HELP!




  1. Well , face up to your responsibilities, you are going to have to marry her.

  2. just put a spawning mop in your aquarium. your goldfish will lay adhesive eggs on it. then just move the mop to another tank and raise the fry! you can give them powdered flakes/pellets.

  3. It depends on the sort of fish.

    For instance, If its guppies then you will need to seperate her  from the other fish and then seperate her from the babies a.s.a.p.

    I learned that the hard way "Oh look, wow, my guppy is having babies! What is he..oh! OMG!!"

  4. You should go to the aquarium center and ask them the same question , you'll get the answer

  5. when the female lays the eggs, keep the male in the same tank

    so he could fertilize the eggs.

    make sure to keep another tank ready  (with dechlorinated aged water, to put in adults, for at least a month, or vice versa)

    after lets say 3 hours and they have stopped,

    the water should be cloudy (fertilize water)

    take the adults out

    after the first week, the eggs should have hatched (be sure to keep the water warm around 5-10 degrees Fahrenheit  more than adult tank water

    if the eggs are white, take them out, they have fungus and it will spread to other eggs

    the eggs should be transperant looking

    dont feed them on the first day they hatch

    after that, feed them sparingly with baby brine shrimp, crushed fakes or boiled egg yolk. remember! FEED SPARINGLY or the water will be dirty and they will die

    change the water for the fry (very gently) around a quarter the first week

    if the water is clean enough dont change the water!

    best wishes :) (that is the way i did it there are other ways)

  6. You can get a tank seperator.  It is a little floating plastic container that she goes in just a day or two before she has the babies.  This container will automatically seperate her from the fry (babies).  They will hang out in the bottom of the container and she will not be able to get to them, so she won't eat them herself.  If that is too much to think about, you can also get another small tank set up just for having fry born into it.    Good luck!

  7. Fish do not get pregnant , they lay eggs and. You need a biology lesson ,they are fertlised by the male in the water

  8. haha,

    did you know a pregnant fish is called a tw*t



    k i dont know anything about fish

    i think you should go to a pet place, or like an aquariumy thing and ask them there, they'll know more than people on y!a

    good luck (:

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