
My fish is sick =(?

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I have an orange African Chiclid named Juice. He is about 4-5 inches long. Recently he has not been doing so great. He was constipated about a month ago and recovered with some fresh greens. Now he is in a whole new world of sick. He was floating around oddly so I scooped him into the net so the other fish would leave him alone. His scales seem to be falling off and he has a few cuts. He is also upsidedown in his net but still alive. A few weeks back I medicated my fish with antibotics when one got popeye. I did the medication for the whole time and then they were all fine. Now Juice is sick again. I don't understand it.. I have bought more antibotics I just don't really know what's going on with the poor guy. He was the most energetic fish I have. Now he keeps looking at me with his sad fish eyes. Any Help?




  1. What are his other tank mates? the type of fish you have sounds like a metriaclima estherae, or red zebra. It almost sounds to me that he had the daylights kicked out of him by other fish. Maybe he wasn't feeling very well and the other fish can detect sick fish. Many mbuna can suffer from malawi bloat, which can be caused by feeding them the wrong types of food, or poor water conditions. If you don't treat the whole tank for bloat, it can be passed on easily to other fish. What it sounds like to me is that one disease led into another. My best advice to you is to remove him from the tank and place him in his own quarantine tank. Use melafix AND pimafix to treat him. DO NOT FEED HIM for a few days at least while he is recovering.Then hope and pray he pulls through. I strongly recommend doing more frequent water changes if you have been getting disease in your tank, it is usually a sign of poor water conditions. Also have you added any new fish to the tank lately?

  2. eat it or flush it

  3. It sounds like you've done everything right for him.  It sounds like he may have something wrong with his swim bladder, since he is upside down - basically same treatment as constipation - the thawed peas.  The only thing in addition I would recommend, if you haven't already, is add aquarium salt.  If he does make it - the aquarium salt will help with relieving stress, promote his slime coat, and help heal his cuts.  If is his sick, it will also help boast your other fish's immune system.  Good luck - I hope he's ok

  4. dont give it a lot of medications
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