
My fish keep dying..?

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My fish keep dying everyday and Ive checked the water pH and everything is fine but they are not eating. What could it be? Ive changed the water already, twice.




  1. Make sure that you are using the right TYPE of water.  ( IE salt water, fresh water ) also make sure you are using the right TYPE of food.  What kind of fish do you have?  Do you have any lighting?

  2. the link that AQUELLA provided is good.

    it is very difficult to help u, however. need to know what kind of fish u have and how many. size of ur tank, what the temp is, how long have u had it set up and when, when was the last time u did a water change and how much, ect. PLEASE POST ADDITIONAL DETAILS so i can further assist u.

  3. What size tank?

    What kind of fish?

    Do you check for ammonia? Nitrites? Nitrates?

    Is this a new tank, and if so, did you properly cycle it?

    Do you have a filter and heater?

    More info is needed.

    Tank cycling info:

  4. ok here's a personal story of mine:

    I had a fishtank with all perfectly healthy fish

    then I got one new fish, and suddenly all the other fish started dying... The new fish, however, did not

    I checked EVERYTHING that could possibly be wrong, but the tank was perfectly taken care of.  The new fish had been sick, and spread the sickness to all my old fish.  So if you have recently gotten a new fish, or if one of your fish is sick (caused by pretty much anything, especially something in the water before you checked/cleaned it) then all of your fish might get sick.  If the fish are already contaminated it will be hard to reverse the process, just DON'T GO BUY MORE FISH until ALL of these ones stop dying... If they all die,  =[

    then clean the tank THOROUGHLY and then get 2 or 3 new fish and see how they do...if they're all ok for a month or more, then add some more...

    sorry about your fish!

  5. the temperature?lots of ammonia maybe your species need different requirements.
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