
My fish lived for 3 years is that okay?

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My fish died on august 27th 2008 which is today.

I'm thinking of burying it.Should i.Anyways is it okay if a fish lives for

3 years is it too short or is it fine.




  1. A Betta, average for those who know what they're doing.

    Goldfish,  oh-oh.  They can live for more than 20 years if well cared for, but that may be average for or more for many poorly kept fish.

    Killifish, depends on the species.

    The longest-lived pet fish known was a koi named Hanako, dying at 226 years old.

  2. Yes what type of fish is it? Many fish like tetras and smaller species of fish only live for around a few years. Other fish like some cichlids, and goldfish can live 5-35 years on average. Most don't live beyond 35-40 years though.

    Many fish you will purchase from a pet store will already be at least 6 months to a year old. So depending on if your fish was full grown or not, will also depend on how long you will have it live for.  

  3. its fine, but what kind of fish was it . some kind of fish live for a long time and some for a short period of time.

  4. Sorry about your Fishy...

    My son's logic when he was 4... "Fishy can't go in the ground because he lived in water. We have to bury him in the toilet"... and ever since that is how we say good bye to our fish.

  5. thats long for a fish! and if you want to bury it you can, just put it in a little box so nothing digs it up lol

  6. 3 years is ok for a betta fish

    most live for 4 years

    but 3 years sounds like a good life for a betta

  7. what kind of fish?

    some only live for 1 summer

    some for 40 years

  8. thats really good for a betta they normal go for 2 yeear

  9. well it all depends on what kinda of fish it is. for a goldfish its great for other large fish its not so good. have a look at life expectancies online for the kind of fish you have.

  10. Depends on the fish, koi live for a hundred years, and bettas only live about 3, really depends on your species of fish.

  11. who cares it's a god damned fish, you cant even play with it... go find a real pet.

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