
My fish..??

by Guest44900  |  earlier

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Well i got 3 goldfish, the guy at the store said they would all be fine together. They are tiny but one of them, Napoleen, is a bit bigger. The two others are Jeffy and Hitler. When I woke Jeffy was dead. Yeah, so that sucks. He was chassing after Hitler and I took Napoleen out and put him in our pond in the back yard. They all had a big tank to swim in.. did Napoleen kill Jeffy because he was a little bit bigger?




  1. Did you see the goldfish kill the other one? Goldfish aren't that aggressive and will usually not kill. It couldv'e been that the goldfish died of in illness..........

  2. feed them regularly

    when thier full they wont pck on each other

  3. How much bigger was Napoleen? It could be but it depends on how bigger Napoleen was. If he was half an inch bigger it is more likely than if he was only like half a cementer bigger.

  4. it was probably a disease. did it have any white things on it? if it did it was probably a disease. if it was then there might be a chance the others will get it too. i would put some ick treatment for them if i were you.
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