
My fish tank finally cycled?

by  |  earlier

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I seeded my tank from another well established tank and it took the tank a week to cycle. I just added 4 zebra danios in the Tank this past Thursday. I read up on fishless cycling and the sites I visited said to only add a few fish at a time. Can I added more now?




  1. It would really depend on your tank size.  Are you sure it is completely cycled in a week?  Even with seeding that is pretty fast to get a good colony of bacteria going.  Adding 4 fish will have increased the bio load dramatically so I'd keep doing water tests until you are sure that you haven't set off cycling again.


  2. Yes! If your tank has cycled and your fish are doing well, then you can definitely get some more fish to add to the tank. You do however need to make sure that the fish you have in their aren't crowded. (It really doesn't look like it in your video.) When you do get the fish for the tank, make sure that you get 2-3. Sometimes adding a huge amount of new fish to the tank can be not only very stressful to them, but to the fish that were their first. Good luck! Please email if you have more questions. :)

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