
My fishes keep dying, ive change my pet stores, and i keep my tank clean.but why are my babies dying. ?

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i hired someone to clean my fish tanks once a month but my fish

were dying ..what im i doing wrong.




  1. Well, almost no information has been given. Did you use a tap water conditioner when you used tap water?, because chlorine or chloramines will kill fish. Do you have an air pump giving oxygen to the fish in the tank? If your tank is saltwater, did you cycle it for 6 full weeks? If it's saltwater, is there a salt level between 1.023-1.025? Did you test ammonia levels, nitrite levels, or nitrate levels at all? Did you chemicals when cleaning the tank? Did you over feed? Underfeed? Did they have diseases or cuts or marks from aggressive behavior? Do you have a filter? Do you have a heater if they are freshwater or saltwater? Did you do any research at all when setting up the tank? I think you should've done more looking for info on setting up tanks rather than who'll clean your tank, no offense.

  2. ummm...idk

    but some fishes doesnt need clean tanks...

    at home my fishes die if we clean the tank..

    if we dont...they just live...

    and they hav been livin 4 about a yr!! XD

    bout 8 fishes..

    u also hafta feed them 2....

    dont feed them 2 much...but dont feed them 2 lil'

  3. How big is your tank? How many fish do you have and what kind? Do you have adequate filtration for your tank size and your fish load? Do you do regular water changes? Have you tested your water, do you have high ammonia / nitrate / nitrite levels? You need to start ruling things out. Ammonia is a common cause of stress to the fish; if your levels are high, maybe you're not doing enough water changes (you should be changing a percentage of your water weekly - I do 10-15% weekly), maybe you are over-feeding your fish, maybe you have too small of a tank for your fish load, maybe you need to vacuum the gravel better, maybe you need to clean your filter. What kind of filter do you have? Some filters require for you to change the cartridges. I don't know if you use carbon in your filter - old carbon can impact the water quality, you need to change it (if I remember it right) every 30 days. Make sure your filter is working well. It's hard to even start guessing what could be wrong without knowing the specifics.

    P.S. If you want to get some more specific answers, you should look up some good Yahoo groups for aquarium fish keepers and post some more detailed questions there. There are some very knowledgeable people out there who would love to advise you. Good luck.

  4. the problem might be that you use water from the faucets. that water contains chlorine and other bacteria-killing chemicals that are harmful to your fishes. another possibility is that you don't have one of those machines that make oxygen (sorry i don't know what it's called). fish need that machine to survive. another thing- when you buy the fishes, they come in a small plastic bag.right? well, you take the plastic bag and just dunk it under the water for about ten min. you are suppose to do that so the fish can get used to the temperature of the water. remember to only feed the fishes a small pinch of food, or they'll pop.

    hope i helped,


  5. Could be a mixture of things, overstocked tank, high nitrate and ammonia levels, ph balance is off, fish could be killing other fish, or your tank cleaner is doing something wrong. When you hire a person to clean your tank, ask for references, call them and see what kind of job that they experienced using this person. That would be my guess is that your cleaning man/woman doesn't know what he/she is doing....

  6. if you have to many fish in a small tank then you will have a nitrite spike.nitrite in deadly to fish and is a evoloution of there dung. buy a nitrite test kit and do a  test. and also if u r washing the tank in tap water  DONT. loads of my fish died ntill i found out. clean the filter sponge in tank water. if you wash in tap water you will wash away all the natural backterium they need to survive. hope this helped

  7. well do you buy just regular fish or salt water fish? cause salt water fish live alot longer.and maybe you should just get one fish cause alot of the times if you have more than one, one fish wont get enough food and than they die. and if one fish has a disease the other one will get it. but fish dont live long anyways usually.  

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