They are oscars, i have 3, but they all stopped eating all of a sudden! I've tried feeding them every day, but they just look at it...And i have also tried feeding them ham; they love that, but they didn't eat that either! And they all just sit in a corner, and they never move, they used to swim around the fish tank all the time, but they don't do that either... I'm really thinking that they are going to die now, And there are worms all in the fish tank...I've looked up a lot of type of worms, but none of those worms describe the ones they have...Theirs are clear, you can barely see them, And they are about half an inch...But idk why they have worms...The water is really clear, and I clean it every week, but they won't go away! And one of my oscar's looks like he has tail rot, but i'm not sure if it is or not?? How is Tail rot caused?
Please help!!?? :)