Hey there guys just need to ask a question.
for the last two weeks i have started on a fitness routine, it involves a mix of playing Football once a week, Squash Twice a Week and Swimming twice a weeek. I also do Push Up's and Sit upd. I Mix them up so for example push ups leading with one arm etc etc
Now i have gone up from 50 to 100 sit ups and from 50 to 70 push ups and my abs are coming along nicely. Im starting to see the arm muslce.
What i gotta ask is will this workout help torn my pecs aswell. I forgot about them. I already have quite muscular legs from football and squash and now im worried cause im gonna have muscular legs, abs and arms and then c**p pecs so just asking.
If i carry on this routine will they start to develop (cause i heard swimming and push ups help them) or should i add another erexcise to improve them alone.
Cheers in advance