
My five month not eating?

by  |  earlier

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he usually has over 32 ounces a day of formula, but for the past two days he has only been eating 2 ounces at a time, yesterday he only had abot 10 ounces all day , and since 9 pm last night its 1 45 pm now, he has only had 4 ounces....




  1. He may be teething, this can sometimes cause a food aversion. Check his gums to see if they're white or bumpy. Is he drooling a lot more? Fussier? Also see if he has a temperature, this is another sign of teething.

  2. Teething maybe?

  3. This happened to my son also, and I was freaking out. He wasnt eating at all but seemed fine. If the baby is happy then he may just not want to eat right, as did mine. And then about 3 oclock in the afternoon he took his normal 6oz bottle with no problem and ate like a champ from then on. SO i think he may just be content right now and will start eating in a little while...I remember I wasted so much formula thinking he would want to eat, and he wouldnt take it.


    and as others said, teething. About a week after this happened with my son, we could see the tooth.

    Now his tooth is through, only a little though..its soo cute :)

  4. It sounds like he's cutting teeth. Babies start cutting teeth as early as 2 months.

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