
My five month old cries when she is put down. Even for a few minutes.?

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I can put her down for a few minutes and she'll be screaming like crazy. Back, Tummy, with or without toys. If I am in view she will cry and just look at me till I pick her up. I know she is okay because I check on her and make sure she is fine. She has lots of toys and sometimes I put only a few in case she is being overstimulated. I talk to her all the time so she will know I am near. Did anyone else have this problem? If so when did it stop?




  1. Spoiled rotten A baby crying isn't a bad thing. As long as you know she ate, and was changed and isn't fevered.... let her cry. It will strengthen her lungs, and let her know that every time she does cry, she isn't going to be handled.

  2. my daughter did that for a few weeks. i just let her cry it out after awhile she didn't cry so much anymore unless something was wrong.

  3. If you know that she is fine, try filling a hot water bottle and wrapping it in a towel and placing it next to her. Then, leave the room.

    She could be soothed by the warmth and feel more secure.  

  4. Does she sleep in your bed at night?   I had this problem with my little girl and I think it was because she never learned to sooth herself.   Little periods of crying are okay especially when they need to go to sleep for a nap.    Does she have regular nap times?   Is she on a schedule?   I'm not a big schedule person and I often wonder if that was the problem.    

    .   It really does depend on the disposition of the baby also.  My other daughter was completely independent and wasn't as attached to me.    I do think a regular nap and feeding schedule along with letting her sleep alone and letting her cry for I think it's a minute for every month . so...5 mins.  good luck!  

  5. You need a few minutes of hands free time - don't feel guilty about putting her down for a bit.  My 8 month old became real clingy around 6 months and is just now starting to become more relaxed.  She also just started crawling and pulling herself up(on everything).  

    I use to sit with her and engage her with some toys - the moment she became preoccupied I'd get up and do what I needed to.

    I know this is easier said than done - but I had a friend tell me to just enjoy the fact that your child wants to be held so much as this is just a phase and they grow up so quickly!  After hearing that I now just take everything in stride.  

    Just know - it won't last forever!!!   Hopefully when she starts becoming mobile.   Good luck!!

  6. I know how annoying that can be.  But it is normal.  She will eventually grow out of it, but I don't know when.  Do your best to balance her needs with yours.  I used to tell my baby (even though he couldn't understand), "I'm going to have to put you down for a minute and I'll just have to let you scream because I can't carry you up this ladder with me.  It wouldn't be safe." Or something like that, lol.

    I do know that kids become more sure of themselves and more independent if they have as much security as possible when they are babies and toddlers.  Your baby needs to be held right now to feel secure, so try to accomodate that as much as possible.  It really helps to have other people with you as much as possible, to help hold the baby or to help you do things you can't do while holding the baby.  I know that's often not possible, though.  I don't have any relatives nearby and I'm pretty shy so I don't have a lot of friends.  But if you have relatives and friends, they can really help you through this rough time.

    It is not good for babies to cry.  That previous poster is terribly misinformed.

  7. I think every baby goes through that stage where they want to be in their mothers arms 24/7...the more you leave her down and let her cry, the more she'll cling to you..she just needs to learn that you are not leaving her when you put her down, which usually takes a few weeks...

    i got a baby sling so i could carry my baby on my hip while doing dishes, cooking and laundry and everything when she was about the same age...its great for loosing weight lol...i think i only ended up using the sling for like 3 weeks and then she was over the fear of me leaving usually doesn't last long depending on if you make the fear worse or better by your actions...

    start by letting her be with you 24/7 and then once in a while put her down for a second and make sure she can see and hear you..eventually you'll be able to leave her as long as she can hear you..

    remember it is a baby's instinct to cling to their mother because in the wild babies that wandered didn't many of us push them away when they are just doing what they know...once she is a bit bigger she will be fine...

    It can be smothering at times, but it will pass..

    As for that other girls answer..please do not listen to her...crying IS NOT GOOD FOR A BABYS LUNGS...that is an old wives tale and leaving them to cry is detrimental to their will make your baby feel alone and isolated in the world and she will grow up to be mistrustful and detached...i took child psychology at the university of toronto...PLEASE READ MY LINK..i hate it when people are so uneducated on childern and then give their stupid advice to others...

    your baby is too young to be crying for no reason other than attention...she wants comfort which is a LEGITIMATE many people think that as long as the physical needs are met then let the baby cry....well they have emotions too, and need contact and cuddling just like adults do..IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO SPOIL A CHILD WITH LOVE AND CONTACT WITH HER MOTHER...

  8. lol i kno you hear about growing out of things but this is evrey day with my little brother!!!!! so ur child will stop crying and if not soon she or he will grow out of it!!!!!!!!!!! ur welcome!!!!!!

  9. She just is so attachted to you that she doesn't want to be away from you. Clingy age..

    Anyway, you should not pick her up ALL THE TIME, sometimes, but not always, as she gets older she'll get better.

  10. yes, yes, baby who is now 11 months has always had this problem- i couldnt even go to the bathroom much less cook and baby had colic for the first few months of life and i always tried to rock her to calm her nonstop crying and i think because of that she got used to me holding her all the time so that even when she stopped being coliccy he kept wanting to be held especially when he was sleepy--he still needs to be rocked to sleep. when he was not able to roll over and crawl he would just cry and cry if i put him down..when he began sittign up he would sit and cry and cry...and when he began crawling...he just follows me around even to the bathroom and cries until i pick him up.  at 11 months this hasnt stopped---i suggest you let him be byhimself more often or with other peopple...that way he gets used to my situation he was so colicy i had no choice but to pick him up and that made him get used to it.  

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