
My five year old daughter wont eat breakfast before school, says it makes her feel yuk?

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She has gradually been eating less and less at breakfast time until she is now saying that it makes her tummy feel yuk and isn't hungry. I've been making her eat by using petty threats and so on, and trying to give her different things but it doesn't work. I never have brekky until at least 4 hours after I get up because I can't stomach anything until then, and truly don't feel hungry.

Should I keep pushing her to eat, or has her gut become like mine?? (I stopped eating in the morning when I was 10 because of this reason)??????????




  1. I can tell you EXACTLYYYYY why. Does she brush her teeth Before she eats??????????????????? If so, thats the obvious answer.

  2. shes probably got a stomach like yours and unfortubatly so have i. Does she have a morning break time at school? if she does you could send her into school with a snack for break time and then off course she will eat her lunch.But make sure she does eat lunch because i can't stomach lunch either only time i can eat is after school :(

    xxxxxxxxx :)

  3. I don't like to eat in the morning when I first wake up either. If she goes to school, can she eat a snack before lunch? Maybe see if she'll at least drink a glass of milk or OJ so she gets something. I wouldn't make her eat if it bothers her.

  4. It sounds like she's a lot like her mom or dad so it's ok.

    I am the same way. Food in the morning is a hard thing for me.

    But I know I need it.

    I found my stomache will deal with dinner meals better.

    Sounds crazy..but what do you have to loose.

    a bit of left over or something new. just a small

    amount of a dinner item. I just had warmed shepard

    pie (sm bowl) 1toast)

    I love breakfast food but find I can eat them on Sunday ?

    where it's very leisure for me??

    I don't know why that is but maybe the same is true...

    Also...PB&J crackers just on the counter can be great.

    The can't totally skip the meal but it doesn't have to be large nor does it have to fit into a typical box...

    drinks,snacks(healthy bars) to get by this stage

    But your child does need fuel to feed the brain :-)

  5. Maybe you could send a breakfast bar to school with her to eat midmorning when she does get hungry, or get her up earlier so her stomach has time to wake up before school.  Maybe she would like a different kind of food for breakfast - like fried chicken instead of cereal and milk.

  6. Make her butt feel yuk just once and watch how fast she eats her breakfast.

    Petty threats clearly are not working.  You need to threaten to spank her if she does not do as she is told and follow through when she disobeys you.

  7. I'm the same as you and your daughter.  When I was her age even the smell of breakfast cooking would turn my stomach.  I didn't get around it until I started work.  I was able to eat a small breakfast at my desk at work.  Maybe you could send your daughter to school with a breakfast bar that she could eat either on the way to school or in the yard before she goes in.  Another thing I used to do was to drink Yop Breakfast which was a drinkable yoghurt that had breakfast oats blended in to it.  I live in Ireland, maybe something like that is available wherever you are.

    Hope this helps.




  9. I have the same problem in the morning myself, so I can sympathize with you and your daughter!

    Fortunately, they still get a morning snack in kindergarten!   You can send a healthy snack in with her that can serve as her breakfast.  Also, perhaps you can give her something else to take along, in case she gets hungry on the bus.   A nutrition bar is good for this purpose.

  10. My wife is the same way. It's at least two hours after getting up that she can even tolerate a cup of coffee.

    Unless you get your daughter up at 4AM to eat at 8AM, you might be fighting a losing battle. Check with her pediatrician... he/she may recommend a breakfast drink, or another alternative. Your daughter still needs to have some nourishment prior to a busy day at school.

    And don't forget, at 5, she's following Mommy's example. Maybe she just doesn't want to be eating at the table alone.

    Likely in Kindergarten now, it's only 1/2 day, and mid-morning snack isn't far away. Make sure her snacks are filled with good things for her.

  11. I would check with her ped. I have allergies and that causes me to have an upset stomach in the a.m.Try letting her have saltines,maybe even in bed,before she starts getting ready. After she's up for a little bit,then give her a small healthy meal.Try yogurt,a banana, or even a pop tart. Gradually try to give her more (if she can tolerate it) until she eats enough to satisfy herslef until snack or lunch.I used to eat toast many a.m.'s, some times with cinnamon sugar,others just butter.

  12. Does her school offer 2nd chance breakfast?  Our school offers b-fast for kids at recess (around 9:30) for those who

    1. parents fail to feed their kids before school...

    2.  Kids who te but are still hungry before lunch...

    3.  Kids who just dont eat bfast either because they are rushed or dont like bfast

    Check with your school.. Ours costs $1

    I am sure it is the end of the year, but ask the teacher if you can send a granola bar for her to eat at recess?

    In the mean time I would just try differnt things that she can eat that are light, like just 1 piece of toast, or a baggie of cereal she can nibble on before the bell rings.

    Not everyone is a breakfast eater. But kids do need some sort of fuel to think... Otherwise she will not do as well on tests. You dont think that now because she is only probably in Kinder or Pre K, but when she hits 1st and 2nd and has a test at 8:15, and her tummy is rumblling and she gets droopy she will not do very well.

    I am in education and so many kids go to the nurses office between 8-9 am with stomach aches, each that I ask, did they eat b-fast they all say NO.

    I send them back to class and tell them they need to eat at 2nd chance b-fast...

  13. you shouldnt push her to eat if she doesnt feel like it- i have the same problem- my step mom always made me eat in the morning and i would aways throw it right back up- every body is different

  14. Have you tried giving her more fun cereals that are colorful with cartoons on the box? Other than that, I suggest making her a smoothie because it won't be hard on the stomach but it's still good for her

  15. i was like that in the morning too.but i ate late in the night so i wasnt hungry in the morning and when my mum was making me have breakfast i was like ''i dont want to, im not hungry and its yuk'', so dont worry about it..its not a problem as long as she has lunch at school..take care

  16. Like you I am that way and have been as long as I can remember. When my daughter was young I went through just what you are going thru now. I used to beg my daughter to eat and she said she couldn't. Now she has a daughter and its similar. The only good thing here is that schools have free breakfast for all kids. So sometimes my granddaughter will have something since she's been up for a couple of hours by that time.

    Try some of those instant breakfast chocolate milk drinks, will she drink milk? Also just stick a granola/snack bar in her pocket.

    Good luck, this has been driving me crazy for years. I still can't eat until I've been up for a few hours so maybe its just how we're made.

  17. You need to get her to eat something.  Try a small amount of porridge (with honey) or a banana.  These will give her slow releasing energy instead of toast or sugar covered cereals which will give a blood sugar spike the drop around mid morning.

    Also wake her up earlier so that she is fully alert and her digestion has had time to start up.  

    There are reliable studies to show that children who do not eat breakfast perform significantly worse at school than those who do.

  18. Try breakfast bars, granola bars, smoothies, and don't worry lots of kids will not eat breakfast as such.

  19. Research shows its better to eat ANYTHING in the morning than nothing.  Skip milk and milk products if she feels yucky.  My sons the same and he get bacon and eggs or french toast cooked before we leave for school.  Make her decided what she wants and stick to it, but 1/2 a piece of toast using a good low GI bread and a banana is a good breakfast try that.  On really bad days my son has cheese & rice crackers.  It is important that you keep this fight up.  Any teacher can tell u how many kids fall asleep or cant concentrate when they dont eat breakfast.

  20. I used to get really bad stomach aches in the morning just after eating breakfast until I realized that I was eating a meal on a pretty empty stomach.

    What I do now is drink a WARM cup of water or tea when I wake up and then eat my breakfast 10 minutes after that.

    No more stomach aches!

    That may not be you or your daughter's problem though.

  21. maybe try instant breakfast - its just like chocolate milk. i hve the same problem but breakfast is very important.. if you dont have breakfast your bodys metabolism slows like you are starving and there will probably be weight gain. plus breakfst helps learning! try someting light instant breakfast or just toast. Do it with her. tell her you feel the same way but you will feel much better after you eat

  22. the kid has a point. i have always refused to eat in the morning. it really does make you feel YUK!

  23. My 6 year old daughter is the same way.  It is such a mad dash to get out of the house in the morning!  Anyhow, we solved this problem by buying breakfast tickets at her school.  She has the bus ride to "wake up" and when she gets to school, she gets a nutricious breakfast, and gets to socialize with her friends too. Our school only charges $1.00!  And she gets cereal, english muffin, juice or milk and fresh fruit!  I couldn't give her that at home for that price.  Anyhow, just  a thought.

  24. i hate eating in the morning too.    well maybe its too early.

    you cannot eat when u just wake up.   when does she eat after she wakes up? u need to wait about 1 hour til you are fully awake to eat. if not your stomach is not hungry.

    you should just give her a morning smoothie. those are filling and very delic.

  25. haha.  i was thinking this over until the last part :P

    don't push her if you know exactly how she feels... some people just can't do morning breakfast.  i eat breakfast about once a week.. at dinner time ;)

    at least you get it.  i go home for a weekend and my mom hears me wake up and fires up the kitchen.. sitting in front of a delicious meal of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and toast... and i'm just like.  '  thanks, but no.' 26 years and she hasn't gotten the point.  plus i think the oj kills my empty stomach.. and i'm not LI, but i think the morning milk doesn't sit too well either..  

    get some Quaker smores granola bars, they're great and healthy-ish and you can eat them right before class.. i'd eat 2 on my way to work and be fine until lunch.  i also tried breakfast bars, but they kinda crumbled in my pants :/

  26. No, I would not force a child to eat this can lead to eating disorders. Children will eat when they are hungry. This is very common for children to not be interested in food when they first wake up. Many children like to wait a while before eating.

  27. i think you should keep pushing your daughter to eat. breakfast is the most important meal of the day. it gets ur brain started & working so u can do well in school/work. also, if ur daughter knows u'd let her skip breakfast, when she gets older, she'll keep skipping breakfast and maybe lunch and dinner. that can start an eating disorder which can cause so many other problems. dont shove 12 bowls of cereal down her throat but maybe suggest a banana and some oatmeal or something like that. then if she eats a healthy breakfast, u can bribe her with 1 or 2 cookies and (chocolate or regular)

    milk. try this, if its not working, try calling her doctor and just telling him/her whats going on and ask 4 other suggestions. good luck!!!!!

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