About a year ago the trouble started. My daughter is five and TERRIFIED of anyone touching her hair. Is was sooo beautiful so long and shiny. but it is very thin so we need to keep it neat or it will tangle. I would try to brush her hair and she would literally fight all of her strength for me to stop! so I would throw it in a messy bun and go on. but now she wont even let me put a bun in it! I have tried everything. I talked to her, I gave her consequences, I even bribed her (I know bad, I know!) I know I am the boss and understand that but I dont want to force her against her will! I have gotten my husband to try but she wont let him either! recently It got so bad she wouldn't let us bathe her. I told her I am the boss but she would just cry the whole bath! and when I tried to wet her hair she would kick and fuss. I put her in time out but she doesn't care. Than it got sooo bad I recently got her hair cut chin length. It looks better but she still doesn't let me bathe her or brush her hair. I don't know what to do. I discipline her and she isn't spoiled. she is just an afraid little girl.