
My flag is wraping around the pole, how do you get it to hang correctly?

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My flag is wraping around the pole, how do you get it to hang correctly?




  1. Are you referring to the decorative flags that hang horizontally from a pole from the side of the house? You can sew in little weights into the corners of the flag to give it a little more weight to hang straight.  I'm not sure of how you could do it for a flag that hangs from a vertical pole in a yard, because then it might not flap at all if too heavy. (Plus if you are referring to the Stars and Stripes you do not want to desecrate it). Actually, for a flag from a verticle pole you could sew in some stiff plastic type material along a long edge of the flag (you know what a zip tie is? something similar to that) like plastic wire or cord, so that it's flexible but won't wrap around. Good Luck! :)

  2. She said "POLE" ! - and "HANG" !

  3. My flag wraps around my pole too! It never hangs like I want it to!  Are we talking about the same thing? lol

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