
My flatmate has just signed on the dole but has a partner who she lives with. Will that affect what she gets?

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Her partner works part-time (20 hours a week). Also, her dad pays all her rent so I'm guessing she shouldn't get housing benefit - will that fact affect what she gets off the dole as well?




  1. her partner is allowed 16 hrs work a week befor it effects claims she may be entitled to some rent rebate and council tax help the local dwp office is the best place for her to ask as for her money it will be affected by what her partner brings in if she is not married to min it sounds like you all share a flat so i dont see why she should tell them also if she gets housing bennifit her dad could put the cash to helping her retrain for work or study  

  2. i think you might find it will.

    i injured my knee last year tried to get help benefit wise but to no avail as they wanted all the info partners wage slips etc they make a decision based on the income i cant remember how much it was we exceeded by just over a pound but i think its around £90 a week max you can earn

  3. yes it will and might not get anything

  4. sure it isnt you?

  5. Yes, it will be taken in to consideration when calculating what she is eligible for. As you've mention, because her father is paying the rent (lucky her), she won't be eligible for housing benefits. She'll probably receive around 45GBP per week in Job Seekers.

  6. yes. depending on what your parents make influences how much you get paid on the dole. and living with someone will probably effect payments too. i think she will be forced to look of a certain amount of jobs per fortnight or else if she doesn't she won't get payments.

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