
My flea bomb didnt work what now?

by  |  earlier

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my cat has left me with loads of fleas in my house(no longer have cat),and i have been vac-ing,washing all my curtains using flea spray every day now and finally used a flea bomb.ive had the problem,well noticed the problem since last tues,the fleas seem to be getting less and less,but they arent completely gone,i have swept up alot of dead one(i have laminate flooring),but there seems to be loads of little ones jumping around. i am now at the end of my tether, how can i finally get rid of these fleas?should i get a few more flea bombs?

also on the bomb instructions it said it will kill all fleas and eggs and then protect me for 7 months,does this mean the fleas that are left wont beable to lay any eggs?

any help would be great!

thanks in advance




  1. I have found out that regardless of whether a bomb says it will kill all eggs and fleas it still takes about 3 bombings to get rid of all the fleas.  It's been most successful for me at intervals of every 10 to 14 days.

  2. My Vet told me that the over the counter flee (and worm) treaments are not strong or effective enough. Buy these treaments from your vet as they are by far better.

  3. In my experiance flea bombs will work but they don't always have what I call good instructions. First always remember that the number they say to use is a minimum more is better. Second be sure when you use them your home is completely closed up; (take out or seal up air conditioners, close all windows and  lock them shut. If you have old leaky windows seal the shut with duck tape or plastic over them) Third the time on them is basically a guage leaving them longer will not hurt. I set everything up at night before work then set them off just before leaving for work the next day, this assures I give them full and ample time to work. Lastly be sure that anything with cloth items is left open and un sealed so the vapors can get to all of it ( fleas like to hide in our clothes, towels, blankets, ect.) Also if any animals are in your home bathe them before you allow them to re enter and get a can of flea and tick spray to spray down your shoes and the clothing you are wearing before you re-enter your home. Setting a bomb off in your car when u are niot in it and have a good long period to let it air out after often helps prevent reinfestation. I wish you the best those fleas can be tough buggers to get rid of.

  4. From my experience Bob martin stuff is rubbish, it doesnt do what it promises and is basicaly a waste of time and money.

    You are best to get prescription treatment from the vet or contact your local authority to get it done professionaly.

    fleas lay dormant in small cracks of flooring and hatch when it gets hot or heating is used, very hard to totaly get rid off.

    Some people say the best treatment is to have a cat keep the cat treated with flea collars, spray and a flea comb, fleas need a host so will go onto the cat and die if the cat it treated.otherwise they lay dormant in the house ready to hatch.

  5. It takes about two weeks to completely get rid of an infestation. I can see why you would be disappointed with the bomb, though. Write the maker of this product about what did- or DIDN'T- happen.

    If you have a crawlspace under your house, you could try setting off a bomb there: Sometimes fleas will hide there if the house itself isn't safe for them.

    Meanwhile, keep vacuuming your house.

    Good luck!

  6. bob martin is useless. I spent a fortune on that stuff...but then i went to the vets and got some stuff that got rid of them. Its more expensive, but it worked!

  7. so you got rid of your cat because you have a flea problem?  

  8. Recruit some suicide fleas to go in and take the others out.

  9. Over-the-counter flea treatments don't work. You need to get something from a vet, or call in professional vermin eradicators. They're licensed to use much stronger stuff which actually works.

  10. call enviromental health thy will spray your house for free stuff you buy from the shop wont work

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