
My foot is really hurting? Football match in 1 week?

by  |  earlier

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The bottom of my left foot hurts sometimes when i play football, but when i stop it goes back to normal what could it be?

and it is only that foot, that hurts, and sometimes when i run long distances it hurts aswell

please help




  1. get it check and take some medication to prevent it from swelling and take something for the pain ....and wat position do u play  

  2. What part of your left foot, the whole thing or the heel or what?? Could be a number of things, like another answer one could be bone spurs (tiny "outgrowths" from you bone that cause a lot of pain, caused by calcium build up) you could also have whats called a plantar wart on your foot (i had one and it felt like i had broken glass stuck in my heel) Go to a podiatrist or even a regular doc and they can tell ya. Till you find out though I would lay off the football, you could cause irrepairable damage!  

  3. Stop being a p***y and concentrate on the upcoming game.

  4. I have heel spurs. I found out recently. You might have the same thing. You half to get surgery for this or cortisone shots. Xrays will show if you have them.

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