
My foot was stepped on during soccer. in pain. please help?

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in soccer tryouts on monday this kid stepped on my foot. since then its been agonizing. im not sure if it is broken. i dont think it is. its very soar but its not black in blue or really swollen. its hard to walk on it. when i put pressure on it i feel this pain like in the middle of my foot. i cant really describe the location. should i go to the hopsital? if i go to the hopsital and there is something wrong i wont be able to play soccer because the doctor would tell my parents not to let me play right? what should i do? what could be wrong. im already icing my foot.




  1. You need to get an ex-ra even if you don't think its broken.In the mean time soak it in warm water with epsom salt in it, put ice on it and rap it in gos.

    please answer mine;...

  2. I agree with the Epsom salt answer, except that if there is any swelling at all (sometimes it's not that easy to tell), you need to use ice water. Heat could make things worse. If your foot was broken, it would be all black and blue, you would know.  Continue icing it in Epsom salt. If it continues to hurt, though, it would be a bad idea to play soccer on it. Don't think about the "right now" problem of missing soccer. Think in long term about what could happen if you play anyway and hurt it worse. Miss a couple of practices while it heals, or play, break it, and miss the season. Seriously, take some time off. It will be worth it in the long run.    

  3. See a doctor in the meantime soak in warm water with Epsom's salt.

  4. Soak it in warm water for an hour of two. After about a week or two if it doesn't feel better visit the doctor's.

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