
My football helment

by  |  earlier

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ok my coach gave a helment to wear but it is exetremly tight. puting it on is no problum but taking it off. holy c**p. some time i cant even get it off. but after its off i have head aches and they hurt. wat should? is there any way to make looser or is it normal for a helemt to be that tight?





  1. You have a few choices here....Have the coach give you a new 1....or if its an air helmet you can take a lil bit of air out........wait till you get used to it or....if none of theses work just take the ear pads out when your taking the helmet off

  2. when u sweat it will get off easier

  3. just ask for a new helmet and he should give it too you and it is not possible to loosen it up

  4. At first the beginning of the season your helmet will always feel very tight, and taking it off should always be hard, cause your helmet shouldnt come off during a game.  I have played football for 6 years and my helmets always felt way to tight to start, and i get headaches just like you, but you will get used to it eventually, but if it is seriously like killing you, just go to your trainer or someone and have them take a little bit of air out.

  5. its normal but if ur gettin headaches than u might wanna get a new helmet

  6. yea your helmet should be tight but not constricting so i gues ask for a size larger

  7. tell the coach or trainer this is important they will either take air out(thats how u loosen a helmet) or give u a new one

  8. you'll get used to it, it'll hurt for the first week or so but its supposed to be tight, try taking your ear pads out then taking the helmet off.
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