
My footlong subway was 6mm shorter than a foot - can I sue for false advertisement?

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My footlong subway was 6mm shorter than a foot - can I sue for false advertisement?




  1. you can sue about anything, but only if you have enough money to go through litigation

  2. haha. do you still have the sandwich for evidence?

  3. You've got to read the fine print. The length is calculated pre wrapping. Some allowance has to be made for when the schmoe that wraps it up squishes it thus making it smaller than the foot advertised.

    Kind of like the Micky D's quarter pounder. It's a quarter pound prior to cooking.

    Make sense?

  4. seriously, you measured your sandwich?

  5. sure... why not?  everyone else sues everybody  why not?

  6. That's nothing. The less they put on your sandwich, the more they get back in food costs. If you see your "sandwich artist" stacking on the lettuce, say something - because the lettuce is a false filler - it makes you feel full without any lasting fullness. More expensive items like meats and Bread are prepackaged and measured to the T. You can ask for as many vegetables as you want and sauce for that matter - for free, usually they don't give you a problem as long as it isn't the store owner making your sandwich.  Double meats only a dollar more, so I tend to get that and then stack up the vegetables. Really moreso than having an abundance of meat or vegetables or sauce, I tend to find that the best mix seems to be an even balance of all three. As far as the length of the sandwich, those inches add up too when translating amount given into terms of cost - The true answer is that they cut the bread THEMSELVES so if they don't cut it to the length you like - ask for another piece! You don't have to take what they give you - you're the one paying, it's to your standard, not theirs - They can cut a fresh one.  If you don't get it walk out! Subways are everywhere just go to another!

  7. did you remain hungry from that shortage? not worth complaing about.

  8. you measure ur sandwiches?!?!?!?!?!

  9. lol. Is it really that big of a deal! Just because it is subway doesnt mean you should be getting that big of one anyway, you should always stick with the 6 inch unless you are sharing it with someone.

    This is what is wrong with america.

    Also...Did you really measure it... do you have OCD or something.. omg..

    This whole thing makes me mad

  10. I think you should just for the h**l of it.

    Good way to get publicity...

  11. How do you know it isn't the tape measure that's off ? =)

  12. If you are able to prove it , maybe you could

  13. well, you can ask for your money back! i made a guy mad at a place once when i told him he didn't give me enough meat. he said it was enough as it was to be 3oz. he said he would put it on a scale to prove it and i said "OK". it was not 3 oz.

  14. Haha.

  15. you look fat, no one cares about 6 mm lol

  16. no. they cut it by hand, so its not like they meant to do it.


  17. accually if you read the small print on the disclamier forms and on the commercials... it says acual bun may very.  foot long is an average and yours may exceed or be shorter than claimed advertisment

  18. lol i dont think so haha

  19. are you serious? it's a sandwich.

    why not ask for a refund or another real footlong sandwich.

    i bet you could sue though. however, it will cost you alot to hire a lawyer and all that. plus, you will be known as the person who  sued subway for shorting her 6mm on a footlong.

  20. Nope - get over it.

    Who'd be sad enough to measure it anyway

  21. nooooooo!! that's stupid!!!!

  22. i would to p**s them off but paying that much for a lawyer and the trail would be at least a year so no

  23. Just go back to Subway and complain- for sure they'll be happy to refund you...Why sue them? too much hassle...duh!!(people get a life..)

  24. Dude, yeah totally...that's so lame you should totally sue! Everyone knows that yahoo answers is the end-all be all of the legal if everyone here says you should sue, you pretty much have a winning case!

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