
My forehand disappeared!?

by Guest65202  |  earlier

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Hey everyone! I've been playing tennis everyday of this week and my forehand had been really good up until yesterday. Yesterday, it just kept going into the net or flying waaaaaay out. I have a tournament tomorrow and I really need to get my forehand back into shape if want to get anywhere in the tourney. Anyone know what could be causing my failure or any quick fixes? Thank you guys!! =)




  1. hit up in front of your body!1!!!

  2. That same thing happened to me at the regionals last year,  It is either nerves or your arm is telling you it needs to relax. Take a few hours off, ice it and then go and see if your forehand is better, that worked for me last year, the nerves just got the best of me.

    Good Luck

  3. Try slowing down your swing.  If you've been hitting really well there is a tendency to start swinging harder and overhitting.  Just spend a few minutes with a practice partner and just hit some strokes try and hit at a pace where everyone lands in.

  4. Dont be freaked out because your forehand is gone, it might me your racket or string. Try to practice your movements more and more and make sure they are right. Make sure when you hit the ball your racket is not tilted so that it doesent fly out. Good luck in your tournament and do not be frustrated when your forehand is gone just think about the movement you had before and in the tournament you will get your forehand back. Best of luck.

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