
My former roommate gave notice, vacated and left her property behind.?

by  |  earlier

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I think she thinks I will just hold onto her property for her indefinitely. At what point is her property considered abandoned and I can either dispose of it or keep it for my personal use.




  1. Check your state's landlord-tenant laws and follow them to the letter, including timing and notices.

    Normally you have to keep the stuff for XX time, during which the ex-tenant can retrieve them after paying reasonable storage fees, then you can sell them and send them the money minus the storage fees.

  2. kujahwaw is correct but send the letter certified with a return reciept so you have proof that she got the letter

  3. is roommate on the lease - she is still responsible for payments - if you don;t hear from her in 30 days - toss her stuff

  4. You need to contact her and let her know she she has until ______date (give her at least 30 days) to pick up her stuff or it will be disposed of. You need to be sure she received your message first, so a certified letter or speak to her in person. If after the date and she hasnt come by, then do what you wish with it.

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