
My four month old's costume?

by  |  earlier

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were not going trick or treating obviosly shes too young. but i do want to dress her up cause all my family comes over and to pass out candy, so i wanted to get her in the spirt, i was thinking a cowgirl, i have a cowgril hat from old navy for babies, and i red bandana print shirt and overalls, any other ideas that i wouldnt have to spent money on and would just be able to make and throw together, or any additional ideas for the cowgirl outfit? thanks




  1. instead of overalls i would make a lil felt vest very cheap and will stay together with hot glue if you can't sew and then for her pants because its prolly cold i would put her in lil jeans i've seen baby socks that have shoe prints on them like marry janes you could prolly find them in cow girl boots o and get a lil cow doll for her to have next to her it will hit the idea home lol well congrats on the baby good luck

  2. I saw some really cute onsies at WalMart today for Halloween. They were not too much money either.

    Some home made ideas:

    -scare crow: overalls, flannel shirt, freckles on the cheeks w/ eye liner pencil, something that looks like straw sticking out of the leg and arm holes.

    anything that you can draw on her face a little bit would work. If you have an outfit that is all one color you could go with something that is that color. like a dog, or cat.

    Good Luck.


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