
My four week old kittens wont eat wet food or use the litter box how do i get them to???

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Yes they are still with their mother (my cat). They are all under my daughters bed and have started to venture out slightly. How will my cat teach them to use the litter box and eat cat food if the only time they see her is when she is under the bed with her. Her litter box and cat food are in different parts of the house.




  1. At three weeks you should start seeing them try to eat with mom cat. The best thing to do is to feed Mom a high quality canned diet and that will entice the little ones and they will start eating with her.

    Don't mix water into dry food. The water takes up to much space and the kittens don't get enough nutrition when you do that. Feed a high quality canned only diet to the mom, who will then teach the kittens to eat. :o)

  2. Only four weeks?  They are still with their mother too, so give them a couple of more weeks, that is still pretty young.  Also, putting a small litter box in the room, with soft food and water will get them curious, and putting them in the litter box every once in a while will show them that this is something important.  With my experience, kittens between 4 and 7 weeks will catch on to this rather instinctively.  I've had kittens under my daughters bed too!!

  3. when i first got my kitten she would use the littler box only sometimes, instead she would pee wherever she was standing at the moment. what i did was that every hour i would pick her up and take her to the littler box and she wont on her own. now she goes by herself i guess they just have to get used to it. about the food... maybe they're too young, try giving them the formula if the cat mom is not around to feed them,

  4. haha don't worry they will learn to eat and use their litter box in their own time-trust me i have a 6 week old kitten and she has only just started to eat last night-yes it was the wrong food-my bro left a take away on the couch to get a drink.He came back a few Min's later to find our kitten tucking into the chicken.

    The mum will decide when they should be weaned-with my cat its a different story-shes very young and doesn't know what to do.When the kitten gets hungry she will feed her-my mates cat doesn't do that she just walks away because she wants them to start learning to eat.

    Smudge a bit of wet food onto the kittens lips an they should l**k it off and get a taste of food-as for the litter just leave it out and they should start using it when they start eating wet food-my kitten don't even use hers yet.

    Just chill they will learn eventually and 4 weeks is still a bit to young so i think they should start eating in a few more weeks.

  5. Ar they still with their mother?  Mum should teach them eventually, it's still early days.  

  6. They may not know how to eat wet food or they may not be ready. If they aren't with the mother then you will have to teach them. Take a spoon and put a little bit of wet food on it and put it up to their mouth. Try to put some of it in their mouth. They probably dont know what it is or how to eat it. That should work. If they still aren't eating it you may want to feed them some kitten formula that you can get at a pet store. They will learn eventually, they just may not be ready yet.

    As for the litter box if they aren't with mom you also have to teach them. Here's what you have to do:

    Take a cotton ball and soak it in warm water. Gently rub the cotton ball over the kittens bottom and they should start peeing. Place them in the litter box. When they are done gently kind of take their paws and show them that they have to cover their pee.

    Good Luck! : )

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